
Your Parenting Plan

A guide to making practical arrangements for your children if you live apart.



Decisions about a child's health are a matter for both parents.

Routine check-ups and appointments

If a child lives mostly with one of you, it's practical for that parent to ensure appointments for regular dental check-ups, early years health assessments and immunisations are kept. The other parent should always be kept informed.

Ongoing health issues

If your child has a long-term health problem such as asthma, make sure that both of you know the full details of any medication or treatment they need and what to do if things get worse.

Sharing information

Keep each other up-to-date about all matters to do with the children's health. This includes general health issues, like colds or recurring headaches, and any difficulties with their mental health or mood.

Involving children

Depending on their ability to understand such things, children should always be involved in decisions about their treatment. Knowing their parents share information about their health will reassure your children you're both fully committed to their wellbeing.


Mishaps will happen from time to time and some may be when your child is with their other parent. Try to be understanding and remember that children having accidents is all part of growing up.

Whatever the circumstances, it's important that the parent who is responsible for the child at the time of the accident contacts the other parent personally just as soon as they can and lets them know what's happened.

Things to consider

  • How will you ensure routine medical and dental appointments are kept?
  • Have you told your children's GP practice about:
    • the fact that you've separated?
    • your children's new living arrangements, addresses etc.?
    • the fact you both want to stay involved in their medical care?
  • How will you share details of any medication they need?
  • How will you agree to give consent to any treatments they need?
  • How will you involve your children in decisions about their health?

"I had a great day out but there was a bit of a panic when I had an asthma attack – we had forgotten to bring my inhaler."

What we've agreed

We've talked about and explained these arrangements to our children.


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