Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment - Amendment of the West of Scotland Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area (NCMPA) site boundary

This assessment is undertaken to estimate the costs, benefits and risks of the proposed boundary amendment for the West of Scotland MPA that may impact the public, private or third sector.


Within Government

The Marine Biodiversity team has had direct contact and discussion with the following division, teams and agencies during the development of this proposed boundary amendment.

  • Scottish Government Sea Fisheries and Marine Conservation Division
  • Scottish Government Marine Planning and Policy
  • Scottish Government Marine Analytical Unit
  • Scottish Government Compliance
  • Scottish Government Marine Science
  • Scottish Government Marine Data, GIS & Quality

Conservation nature body JNCC and NatureScot have been consulted on this proposed site boundary amendment, with conservation advice from JNCC being requested.

Public Consultation

A formal 8 week public consultation will be undertaken.

This section will be updated following public consultation where this BRIA and proposal to amend the West of Scotland boundary will be included within the consultation on Fisheries Management Measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas.



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