
Partial business and regulatory impact assessment: health and social care statutory guidance refresh

Partial business and regulatory impact assessment on the refresh of statutory guidance focused on health and social care integration authority strategic plans and annual performance reports.

2. Consultation

2.1 Within government

In scoping out and undertaking the proposed programme of work, a significant number of internal teams have been consulted, from across the following areas:

  • Directorate for Social Care and National Care Service Development
  • Directorate for Population Health
  • Directorate for Children and Families
  • Directorate for Justice
  • Directorate for Chief Operating Officer, NHS Scotland
  • Social Care professional advisers

Further internal consultation has taken place, as planning for the work programme developed. This has included Divisional and Directorate presentations and frequent updates at cross-Directorate meetings.

2.2 Public consultation

The intention is to convene a short life working group (SLWG), composed of key partners and internal colleagues, to produce a first draft of revised guidance.

The first drafts will then be put to a written public consultation, with any feedback being incorporated into the revised guidance before securing further agreement with key partners on the amendments and then publishing the refreshed guidance.

2.3 Business

Given the nature of the proposed programme of work and the groups and individuals it is perceived to impact[6], there is no intention to have face-to-face discussions with 6-12 businesses. However, service provider representatives – including the private and third sector – will be represented on the SLWG.

The below table sets out the proposed core membership of a SLWG, with the appropriate level of flexibility to extend membership based on agenda items, topics, and as otherwise considered appropriate.



Health and Social Care Scotland

Strategic Planning and Performance Officers' Group representatives

Carer representative organisations

Organisations representing people with lived experience

Providers – Scottish Care, the ALLIANCE and Partners for Inclusion

NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland

NHS National Services Scotland

Scottish Government teams working on ethical commissioning

Wider Scottish Government teams (as considered necessary for agenda items)

SG Professional Advisers



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