
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 - participation requests: evaluation

Independent evaluation assessing the implementation of part 3 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 – participation requests.


1. Myers, F., Geyer, J. and Craig, P. (2017) Evaluability assessment of Parts 3 and 5: participation requests and asset transfer requests. NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh. Available at:


3. The Act enables Scottish Ministers to introduce an appeals mechanism, although this may not be deemed to be necessary.

4. Myers, F., Geyer, J. and Craig, P. (2017) Evaluability assessment of Parts 3 and 5: participation requests and asset transfer requests. NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh. Available at:


6. Adapted from the Scottish Government Guidance on participation requests (2017) Available at:

7. Due to delays in public service authority reporting, secondary data collection and analysis for 2018-2019 was also conducted under Stage 3 (Section 3.2.4).

8. The Act does not specify where the reports should be published online.


10. According to the Scottish Government Guidance (p. 28), in addition to the public service authority to which a participation request is made, community participation bodies can elect to include additional public service authorities in an outcome improvement process, if the community participation body believes additional public service authorities should participate.

11. These four participants, from PSA 2, participated in a focus group – as detailed in Stage 2 (Table 1).

12. Srivastava, A. and Thomson, T. (2009) Framework Analysis: A Qualitative Methodology for Applied Policy Research. Journal of Administration and Governance. 72. Framework analysis uses a five stage process (Familiarisation; Identifying a thematic framework; Indexing; Charting; Mapping and interpretation) and involves sifting, charting and sorting gathered data in accordance with key issues and themes.

13. Scottish Government (2017) Participation Requests under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act: Guidance. Available at:

14. Categories presented in Figure 3 were developed by the evaluation team.

15. Paterson, A., Nelis, P. and Escobar, O. (2019) Strengthening Community Councils. What Works Scotland and Scottish Community Development Centre. Available at:

16. Existing processes may include Local Community Planning Partnerships, Community Councils, Tenants and Residents Associations, Participatory Budgeting and Community engagement on re-design of healthcare services.

17. The Guidance does not detail what may be reasonable grounds for refusal as 'this must be determined in the circumstances of each individual case' (Scottish Government Guidance, 2017).

18. During this evaluation, and in response to the claim that participation requests may exacerbate inequalities, the Scottish Government commissioned SCDC to conduct work on addressing inequalities with three pilot communities in high Social Index of Multiple Deprivation postcodes, and also addressing accessibility barriers such as language, disability, and transport.




22. Paterson, A., Nelis, P. and Escobar, O. (2019) Strengthening Community Councils. What Works Scotland and Scottish Community Development Centre. Available at:

23. Source:

24. As stated at Section 4.4, the intention is not to increase participation request submissions per se, but to raise awareness.



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