
Pathways Fund: form and guidance

The Pathways Fund was open to organisations registered in the UK and operating in Scotland, who are providing support to pre-start entrepreneurs and/or early stage businesses in Scotland. The fund closed to bids on 30 August 204.

What funding can be used for

Funding will be available to projects offering entrepreneurial support and advice to individuals and businesses particularly on widening access to primary carers and under-represented groups.

Projects might include (but are not limited to):

  • providing start-up incubation services
  • developing training resources on entrepreneurial skills
  • providing access to business networks, mentors and role models
  • developing skills including digital business skills
  • facilitating peer learning and networking
  • providing shared access to resources and equipment
  • providing advice and support on accessing funding and investment

What funding cannot be used for:

  • core running costs
  • repaying existing debts or loans



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