Pathways of maternity care - patient leaflet: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the revised pathways of maternity care clinical guidance and schedule and birthplace decisions patient leaflet.

The Scope of the EQIA

An EQIA on the Best Start has been carried out and is available at Maternity and Neonatal Care - Best Start Implementation: Equality Impact Assessment. We do not intend to duplicate the content of that EQIA in this document, and instead will focus specifically on the potential equalities impacts of the Pathways of Maternity Care policy.

This EQIA draws upon evidence from Public Health Scotland, the Maternity Care Experience Survey, and other resources. References have been included. The policy will affect pregnant women, women in the post-natal period, babies, partners, and families. It will also affect the workforce, primarily midwives and obstetricians. We have considered how these individuals may be impacted by the policy from an equalities perspective.



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