Pathways of maternity care - patient leaflet: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the revised pathways of maternity care clinical guidance and schedule and birthplace decisions patient leaflet.

Recommendations and Conclusion

The EQIA process has identified that the revised Pathways of Maternity Care documents are likely to have a positive impact on the protected characteristics, particularly where they intersect with groups most at risk of poverty, or racialised health inequalities. The clinical guidance and schedule will be rolled-out at a national level, so all women who access maternity services should benefit from the changes. The Birthplace Decisions leaflet should help support women and their partners when making a choice which best suits their particular needs and will help them have an informed conversation with their midwife.

The Pathways of Maternity Care documents will be consulted on before publication, to give staff and members of the public the opportunity to provide their views. If any changes requiring a revision of the EQIA are made, this document will be revised.



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