
Pathways: A new approach for women in entrepreneurship

An independent review into women in entrepreneurship in Scotland, authored by Ana Stewart and Mark Logan. Based on thorough data analysis and stakeholder engagement the report's recommendations seek to address the root causes of female under-participation in entrepreneurship.

Appendix D: Contributors

We are very grateful to all of those listed below, who gave so generously of their time and expertise in contributing to this report.

Review Team

Jackie Waring: AccelerateHer

Gemma Hamilton: BGF

Judy Wagner: FWB


Guatam Dev: abrdn plc

Pat McHugh: Access to Finance, The Scottish Government

Alkistis Petropak: Advance Women(Switzerland)

Dr Jacqueline Limoges: Althabasca University(Canada)

Paramjit Uppal: AND Digital

Leah Hutcheon: Appointedd

Niki McKenzie: Archangel Group

Isabel McNicoll: ASB

Prof Louise Hayward: Assessment Review for Schools, The Scottish Government

Mary Ann Sieghart: Author, The Authority Gap

Roianne Nedd: Author, The Trusted Black Girl

Ann Maree Morrison: BAWE

Henry Whorwood: Beauhurst

Antoinette Fionda Douglas: Beira

Rob Horner: Bella & Duke

Barry McCulloch: British Business Bank

Mairi Mickel: Business Families Advisory

Hugh Lightbody: Business Gateway

Lindsey Sibbald: Business Gateway

Lynne Kennedy: Business Women Scotland

Susan Jackson: Campion Homes

Ishani Malhotra: Carcinotech

Tracy Black: CBI

LiAnn Chin: Charlotte St Partners

Julie Wilson: Cheeky Chompers

Chris van de Kuyl: Chroma Ventures

Lesley Brydon: Clark.Communications

Steven Drost: Codebase

Dr Claudia Cavalluzzo: Converge

Hannah Wade: CPI Enterprises

Julie Grieve: Criton

Clare Wareing: Cumulus Oncology

John Schmidt: Currie High School

Kate Cameron: Cytochroma

Bayile Adeoti: Dechomai

Elma Murray Wallace: Developing the Young Workforce

Rob Woodward: Developing the Young Workforce

Karen Licurse: Digital Boost

Clare Hicks: Director for Education Reform, The Scottish Government

Ian Munro: Dollar Academy

Jackie Smith: Dollar Academy

Frances Duncan: Duncan & Todd

Audrey Cumberford: Edinburgh College

John Lonsdale: Edinburgh University/ Old College Capital

Andrea Young: Edinburgh University/ Old College Capital

Dr Dalia Fadila: Education innovator (Israel)

Ollie Bray: Education Scotland

Mhairi Brodie: Education Scotland

Andy Creamer: Education Scotland

Joan Mackay: Education Scotland

Ian Menzies: Education Scotland

Klaus Myer: Education Scotland

Lynne Robertson: Education Scotland

Caroline Barelle: Elasmogen

Rachel Ross: Elevator UK

David Steyn: Elevator UK

Alister Minty: Entrepreneur Business School

Sandy Kennedy: Entrepreneurship Advisor

Mark Beaumont: Eos

Andrew McNeill: Eos

Alex Lusty: Equity Gap

Linda Moule: Erskine Stewarts Melville Schools

Emma Little: ExecSpace

Michael Timmins: EY

Zoe Evans: Female Founder Squad

Stephanie Ospelt: Female Founders(Switzerland)

Geoffrey Proudfoot: Fife College

Alexandra Feechan: Findra clothing

Stephen Ingledew: Fintech Scotland

Sarah Lynagh: Fios

Daisy Ford-Downs: Firstport and Zebras Unite

Carmen Cammiskey: FOMO

Graeme McKinstry: Foresight Group

Stacey Dingwall: FSB

Ruth McElroy: FSB

Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne: Genius Foods

Lynsey Dougan: Geovation Scotland

Ashleigh McCulloch: Glasgow Council, Developing the Young Workforce

Priya Oberoi: Goddess Gaia Ventures

Gwen Edwards: Golden Seeds (USA)

Etienne-Rene Massie: Government of Canada

Nathalie Poirier-Mizon: Government of Canada

Hazel Cameron: Gresham Ventures

Jackie Brierton: Growbiz

Claudia Freigang: Hearing Diagnostics

Ann Budge: Hearts FC

Paul Devlin: Heriot Watt University

Meghan Friel: Heriot Watt University

Heather McGregor: Heriot Watt University

Prof Richard Williams: Heriot Watt University

Morven Fancey: HIE Skills Academy

Prof Carol Campbell: Higher and Adult Education(Ontario)

Andrew Findlater: Highland Council

Rachel Hunter: Highlands Islands Enterprise

Susan Aktemel: Homes for Good

Mark Bustard: IbioIC

Kirsty MacKenzie: imultiplyresourcing

Claudia Duffy: Innovare

Fiona Logan: Insights

Rhona Campbell: Investing Women Angels

Louise MacDonald: IoD

Netta Doron: Israeli entrepreneur

Jen Hogg: Jenerates

Jillian Anderson: Kilpatrick Blane Services

Carolyn Donaldson: Kynesis

Caroline Gee: Lasswade High School

Pauline Weddell: Learn 2 Grow Ltd

Heather Kerr: Lochend High School

Marie Owen: LS Productions

Janet Menzies: Mage Control Systems

Ewan McKinnon: Maven Capital Partners

Claire Carpenter: Melting Pot

Toby Mildon: Mildon

Gillian Fleming: Mint Ventures

John Cushing: mnAI

Tynah Matembe: MoneyMatiX

Yvonne Greeves: Natwest

Paula Ritchie: NatWest

Dame Alison Rose: NatWest

Sarah Ronald: Nile HQ

Saba Ghole: NuVu (USA)

Lorna Baird: Old College Capital

Darina Garland: Ooni

Malcom Kpedekpo: Panoramic Growth Equity

Galit Ben Simhon: PantheraPro ( Israel)

Paul Atkinson: PAR Equity

Andrew Noble: PAR Equity

Jeanette Forbes: PCL Group

Pheona Matovu: Radiant and Brighter

Kathryn Pierce: Rainbow Enterprise Network

Joanna Forster: Rose Review

Julie Degnan: Scotland's Enterprising Schools

Christine Esson: Scottish Business Network

Evelyn McDonald: Scottish EDGE

Poonam Malik: Scottish Enterprise

Jane Martin: Scottish Enterprise

Yvonne McLaren-Robertson: Scottish Enterprise

Kerry Sharp: Scottish Enterprise

Sandy Begbie: Scottish Financial Enterprise

Gary Bannon: Scottish Funding Council

Fiona Bates: Scottish Funding Council

Anne-Marie Elliot: Scottish Funding Council

Stuart Fancy: Scottish Funding Council

Robin Lee: Scottish Funding Council

David Ritchie: Scottish National Investment Bank

Donnie Wood: SCQF

Elizeh McLelland: SEP

Calum Paterson: SEP

Jan Rutherford: SEP

Jill Arnold: SIS Ventures

Siobhan Moore: SIS Ventures

Ketty Lawrence: Skills Development Scotland

Fergus McMillan: Skills Development Scotland

Sarra Bejaoui: SmartPA

Brie Read: Snag Tights

Rachel Jones: Snapdragon

Caroline Mckenna: Social Good Connect

Susan Harkins: South of Scotland Enterprise

Jane Murdoch: South of Scotland Enterprise

Prof Ken Muir: SQA/curriculum reform

Anne Boden: Starling Bank

Alexandra Frean: Starling Bank

Evelyn Simpson: Startup Consultant

Olivia Wensley: Startup Queenstown Lakes (NZ)

John Anderson: Strathclyde University

Samuel Mwaura: Strathclyde University

Prof Eleanor Shaw: Strathclyde University

Alma Harris: Swansea University

Fiona MacIntyre: SWPL

Angela Scott: TCBioPharm

Kathleen Garrett: Techstart

Mark Hogarth: Techstart

Hal Wilson: Techstart

Sheila Hogan: The Biscuit Tin

Jill Pay: The Gender Index

Jodie Sinclair: Theo Health

Tim Allan: Tricorn Capital

Carolyn Jameson: Trustpilot

Jenny Tooth: UKBAA

Janani Prabhakaran: Unbaggaged

Prof Norin Arshed: University of Dundee

Prof Graham Martin: University of Dundee

David Brown: University of Edinburgh

Dr Catherine Martin: University of Edinburgh

Prof Peter Mathieson: University of Edinburgh

Dr Declan Weldon: University of Glasgow

Dr Olga Kozlova: University of Strathclyde

Danae Shell: Valla

Belinda Roberts: WeDo Scotland

Petra Wetzel: West Brewery

Lynn Hendry: West Coast Capital

Angie De Vos: Women's Business Station

Lynne Cadenhead: Women's Enterprise Scotland

Carolyn Currie: Women's Enterprise Scotland

Mairi Damer: WORD UP Communicators

Rebecca Goss: X-Genix

Lisa Wardlaw: Young Enterprise Scotland

Geoff Leask: Young Enterprise Scotland

Devina Paul: Zumo



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