Patient Safety Commissioner Patient Reference Group minutes: December 2020
- Published
- 22 November 2022
- Directorate
- Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
- Topic
- Health and social care
- Date of meeting
- 17 December 2020
Minutes from the meeting held on 17 December 2020.
Attendees and apologies
- Donna O’Boyle, Professional Regulatory Adviser, Chair, Scottish Government
- Margaret Syme, Team Leader, Scottish Government
- Nicki Crossan, Senior Policy Manager, Scottish Government
- Pauline Bennet, Senior Policy Manager, Scottish Government
- Susan Cole, patient representative
- Charlie Bethune, patient representative
- Marie Lyon, patient representative
- Nan McGradie, patient representative
- Rona Johnson, patient representative
- Sharon Mercado, patient representative
- Lisa Megginson, patient representative
- Lynne Nicol
- Anne Monie
- Claire Daisley
- Emma MacKay
- Vicki Middleton
- Wilma Ord
- Emma Murphy
- June Greenhorn
- Susan Doyle
- Janet Williams
- Anncris Roberts
- Jan Clark
- Karen Neil
- Nancy Honeyball
- Karen Keely
Items and actions
- welcome and apologies
- minute and actions from last meeting
- update from Specialist Reference Group meeting
- discussion on Specialist Reference Group Representation
- discussion on the PSC draft consultation
- next steps for the Patient Reference Group
- any other business
Welcome and apologies
Donna welcomed everyone to the second Patient Reference Group meeting, noting apologies.
Minutes and actions from last meeting – 29 October 2020
Minutes and actions from the last meeting were agreed. However, when describing the themes, the group asked that the language is changed from simply ‘complaint’ to ‘feedback, concerns and complaints’.
- SG to update language in the previous minutes (change from complaint to feedback, concerns and complaints)
Update from the Specialist Reference Group meeting
Charlie attended the first Specialist Reference Group (SRG) meeting on 4 December, and provided feedback and observations:
- the group is chaired by Rosemary Agnew, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)
- Charlie clarified that he is on the group, not just as an observer, but on behalf of the PRG
- many members of the group, though perhaps not enough clinical representatives from NHS Boards
- papers will be published on the SG website, alongside PRG papers
- the group will map out the current safety/feedback landscape, to do this they will prepare a questionnaire to gather information about exisiting processes across Scotland – this will run in parallel to the public consultation
- Charlie suggested to the SRG that everyone reads the Cumberledge report in full to understand the issues, as in those cases people did raise concerns through the appropriate channels but it did not result in action
A discussion followed and the group raised concern again over the current landscape being too large, and difficult to navigate – they suggested that the PSC role needs to stand outside the current landscape. The group noted the SRG’s role of mapping current policies and processes to identify what works, and what may need to change, but raised concern about the SRG’s membership being dominant in those dealing with complaints and feedback, and perhaps not enough NHS Board representation.
Discussion on Specialist Reference Group representation
Following discussion, regarding a representative from the PRG to attendthe SRG, SG apologised for any confusion caused following the last PRGmeeting. Nicki then outlined again the expectations from a PRGrepresentative.
The group felt that it would be beneficial to have three representatives one for each intervention – on the SRG. It was therefore agreed thatDonna would discuss the number of representatives with the Chair of theSRG.
The group agreed that it would be helpful for a representative from theSRG to join the PRG; SG will seek a representative from the SRG.
- PRG members to nominate a representative and a deputy, for each intervention, to join the SRG
- Donna to discuss the number of PRG representatives with the chair of the SRG
- SG to ask for an SRG representative to join the PRG
Discussion on the PSC draft consultation
A draft of the consultation was circulated in advance of the meeting, withthe group asked to consider the following three questions:
- does the paper meet the group’s expectations
- is anything missing/not covered in the draft consultation
- is there anything in the draft consultation that causes concern
Donna led the discussion, with the following points made verbally:
- how does someone feedback if they don’t have internet access? Submitting feeback via post is usually an option, but there will be no-one in SG buildings to pick up responses. Need to add in an explanation of this
- need to refer to the three interventions, rather than three patient groups, as there are many branches of these three groups
- comments can also be submitted to
- lots of information contained within the consultation, which might not be familiar to all members of the public, therefore a review to simplify the language used was agreed
- additional questions regarding Scottish Health Technology were highlighted for possible inclusion as a later entry. The group agreed in principle to these being included, but suggested they are woven into the consultation where appropriate, and not given a specific chapter
- further detail relevant to some of the questions would be helpful in supporting responses, and should be provided in the text throughout
The group asked for time to also respond in writing (to – a deadline of 28 December was agreed, as the aim is to publish the consultation in January, which will be live for the standard 12 weeks.
- PRG members to provide written feedback on the draft consultation by 28 December 2020
Next steps for the PRG
It was agreed that the group will meet again (virtually) after the consultation closes and the consultation report is available, but between times, SG will continue to engage via emails, and the PRG was also encouraged to engage with and network via Sharon’s WhatsApp group.
If the SRG meets before the consultation closes, the PRG will also be given the option of a virtual meeting.
Any other business
The PSC pages on the SG website are now live:
Sharon asked that SG help promote her WhatsApp group with the other PRG members. Sharon to provide some wording for SG to put out to the group.
- Sharon to provide wording around the WhatsApp group to the Secretariat
Action summary
- SG to update language in the previous minutes (change from complaint to feedback, concerns and complaints)
- PRG members to nominate a representative and a deputy, for each intervention, to join the SRG
- Donna to discuss the number of PRG representatives with the chair of the SRG
- SG to ask for a SRG representative to join the PRG
- PRG members to provide written feedback on the draft consultation by 28 December 2020
- Sharon Mercado to provide wording around the WhatsApp group to the Secretariat
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback