
PECOS Gateway: guide for public bodies

Guide to implementing and using the PECOS Gateway for procurement purposes.


The PECOS Gateway is available to all Scottish public sector bodies and has been developed to enable customers to use current PECOS Purchase to Pay (P2P) functionality to hold, manage and access content. 

It’s a cloud based solution that can be accessed via any system that has cXML punch out capability.

For non-PECOS public bodies who wish to implement the PECOS Gateway a software license agreement must be signed.

To access the Gateway, public bodies 'punch out' of  their own finance or purchase to pay system and seamlessly 'punch in' to the Gateway to shop catalogues, as well as external marketplaces  and  build requisitions. Completed requisitions are then returned to the customer's finance system where the approval to payment process takes place. Once orders are finalised and approved they are then transmitted directly from the finance system to the supplier.

To access the Pecos Gateway there is a one off cost to set up the cXML punch-out connection.


If you have any enquiries relating to the PECOS Gateway solution, email the SG eProcurement mailbox at:

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