Peer Mentoring Opportunities for Looked After Children and Care Leavers

This report and its recommendations are the result of a small project exploring services offering and

research around peer mentoring and how such practice could be developed to improve outcomes for Looked After Children and Care Leavers in Scotland.


1) Nicholson M, Befriending Network Scotland: Evaluation Report for the Looked After Children Participation and Peer Support Pilot: Scottish Borders Council : 2010 and stage 2 in 2011

2) Philip K, Spratt J: A Synthesis of published research on Mentoring and Befriending: Mentoring and Befriending Foundation: 2007

3) BNS, SMN, ESS: The Difference between Mentoring and Befriending in Evaluation Resource pack for Befriending and Mentoring Projects: 2006

4) Scottish Mentoring Network

5) Befriending Network Scotland

6) Mentoring and Befriending Foundation: Young people in care and leaving care - research paper 1 (A list of the key findings from research studies and evaluations that show the positive impact of mentoring and befriending)

7) Paul, J: Scottish Mentoring Network: Mentoring: Good Practice Guide

8) Hannon C, Wood C, Bazalgette L: In Loco Parentis : Demos: 2010

9) Rainer, Prince's Trust, Mentoring and Befriending Foundation: Mentoring for Looked After Children: Dissemination manual: 2008

10) Scottish Government: These Are Our Bairns: a guide for community planning partnership on being a good corporate parent: 2008

11) St George's University of London: Carmen Study Project Protocol : 2010


Email: Eliza Brush

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