
Pelvic Floor Registry Implementation Group minutes: September 2021

Minutes from the group's meeting on the 8 September 2021.

Attendees and apologies

Spotlight and commentary

Purpose of the group is to oversee rollout and evaluation and to subsequently look at the formal rollout through the NHS.

The remit of the group is to support the development of an information toolkit for participants in the pilot, as well as other health boards.

Next meeting: 06 October 2021 10:30 – 12:00


Sara Davies
Chris Hemming 
David Bishop
Cory Sherazee

NHS Digital Update on Pelvic Floor Registry

The national Pelvic Floor Registry is progressing and NHS England has engaged with the private sector including 159 providers in England, 24 have submitted data, 22 through bulk upload and 8 that haven’t engaged.

Implementation plan for the next few months will be reaching out to acute sector for comparative procedures and looking for compliance across all sites by 2022.

NHS Digital and Scottish colleagues agreed a pragmatic Information Governance strategy to support the pilot and the full role out.

NHS Digital has found a workaround for Scottish hospital identifier codes and will reach out to get some test users.

Information governance update

The section 255 letter is the legal mechanism that allows Scotland to request NHS Digital to hold registry data from pilot boards.

Intending to authorise NHS Digital to share data with MHRA to ensure that regulation advice includes Scottish data.

Public information aspect will be handled via the NHS website.

If patients travel across health boards data will be collected by centres of specialities, which highlights need for information sharing accord.

Updates from Boards

NHS Grampian

Met with NHS Digital and went through items on which data to be collected.

Commented that COVID is impeding number of procedures that can be done in relation to PF procedures.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Met with NHS Digital and passed on to eHealth

Administrators are not always available but can be included in future as will be a useful resource.

Evaluation of pilot

Administrator from Grampian and patient representatives are now involved.

As the pilot has not started still working on the questionnaire which will be circulated.

Also included Jennifer Stewart from the Alliance and will talk to NHS Digital for their plans for evaluations.

UDI Programme Board

Significant part of work done by the UDI Taskforce who are in the process of assessing data capture within acute specialties that will be affected by UK MDIS.

Meeting with eHealth and specialist leads to understand what the needs and possibilities are – work aimed to be complete by end of October 2021.

Findings so far are that systems are paper based and require improvement – initially focussing on high risk environments and mapping possibilities.

Public Health Scotland data review

Scottish morbidity record (SMR01) data used. 6-10 weeks and coded to allow mesh procedures to be identified.

Data reported at health board of treatment and is recorded as number of procedures rather than number of patients.

Greater Glasgow and Clyde have created great pro-forma, and created a minimisation of codes.


  • action 5.1: canvas for users to create test accounts for Scottish Identifier codes (Secretariat and Boards)
  • action 7.: locate missing boards nominees for lead administrator to this group (Secretariat)
  • action 9.1: add double counting to data impact assessment - ask if surgical procedures within pilot boards will be reported (IG subgroup chair)
  • action 9.2: add double counting to Risk Register (Secretariat)
  • action 10.1: please submit board feedback templates to Cory Sherazee (Board Administrators)
  • action 10.2: test users to be generated (NHS Digital)
  • action 10.3: further security assurance plans, aligning to reduce timescale (NHS Digital and IG subgroup)
  • action 10.4: reflect on pilot sites, how to submit data from patients not belonging to that board
  • action 12.1: pilot boards to consult eHealth to understand what the processes to extracting records are
  • action 12.2: share Greater Glasgow and Clyde surgery notes templates and minimised clinical codes list with PHS and pPFRIG (Clinician GG and C)
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