Pension Age Winter Heating Payment: Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

The Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) carried out in relation to the Winter Heating Assistance (Pension Age) (Scotland) Regulations 2024

Implementation and delivery plan

70. Given the significantly reduced timescales for parliamentary procedure we will undertake an ‘expedited affirmative’ procedure. Through this ‘expedited affirmative’ procedure, we anticipate regulations will be laid before Parliament on 25 September and come into force on 20 November, following parliamentary approval. This will allow the regulations to come into force on 20 November.

71. After regulations have come into force on 20 November 2024, DWP will begin to make payments in Scotland under the Agency agreement with Social Security Scotland.

Post-implementation Review

72. Policy development will continue to explore the potential longer-term development of Pension Age Winter Heating Payment post-launch. As with all social security benefits, we will carry out an evaluation following the delivery of the benefit.



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