Pension Age Winter Heating Payment: Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA)

The Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) carried out in relation to the Winter Heating Assistance (Pension Age) (Scotland) Regulations 2024

Recommendations and Conclusions

78. Through the work undertaken to produce this impact assessment it is clear that living in island communities presents unique challenges for older people.

79. PAWHP will provide older people on relevant benefits with the same level of support as is currently available, as the payment will mirror the current WFP eligibility criteria. On that basis, through this ICIA, the Scottish Government could not identify evidence that the introduction of PAWHP will directly or indirectly discriminate against those that live in island communities.

80. PAWHP will ensure that older people in receipt of relevant benefits living on island communities will continue to receive support this winter to help them meet their heating costs.

81. We recognise that fuel costs are on average higher for island communities than urban areas, and that payment values remain consistent regardless of location. We are considering the feedback from stakeholders and benefit recipients received during our public consultation and Experience Panel research.

82. Similarly, The Scottish Government has committed to a review of its National Islands Plan. This document will consider challenges for islanders in the round including issues around fuel poverty and action that can be taken to address this.

83. Using this insight, we will continue to consider options. With all future policy development following the launch of PAWHP, we will continue to closely consider any impacts on rural, island and off-grid communities.


Name and job title of Policy Lead:

Owen Allen, Winter Heating Benefits and Welfare Fund Team Leader

Name and job title of a Deputy Director or equivalent:

Ian Davidson, Head of Social Security Policy

Date this version authorised:




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