Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP): consultation analysis

We are introducing Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP) in winter 2024/25 as a like-for-like replacement for the UK Government’s Winter Fuel Payment. This report analyses the responses from the public consultation on PAWHP that ran between 23 October 2023 and 15 January 2024.

10. Impact Assessments and other impacts

The consultation paper included draft Impact Assessments and asked respondents for their views on these and about any other impacts which could arise from introducing PAWHP. This chapter presents the analysis of responses about the Equality Impact Assessment, Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment and Fairer Scotland Duty. Q19 about the Island Community Impact Assessment has been included in Chapter 8.

Q16 and Q21 respectively asked respondents about potential unintended consequences from introducing PAWHP, and for any other information respondents wished to share about the proposals. Analysis of responses to these questions is also presented below.



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