Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP): consultation analysis

We are introducing Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP) in winter 2024/25 as a like-for-like replacement for the UK Government’s Winter Fuel Payment. This report analyses the responses from the public consultation on PAWHP that ran between 23 October 2023 and 15 January 2024.

Appendix A: Quantitative Analysis

This appendix provides more detailed breakdowns of the 15 quantitative closed questions included in the consultation.

The tables for each question show:

  • The number of respondents from the total sample of 906 respondents who selected each response, and the corresponding percentage.
  • The number and percentage response among those who answered each question, broken down by Individual and organisation responses and by type of organisation.

Please note that the row percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

Sectoral Classification

Number of respondents % of total sample
Individuals 881 97
Organisations 25 3
Health / disability / age organisations 8 1
Poverty / fuel poverty organisations 5 1
Local authorities 3 <0.5
Miscellaneous organisations 9 1

As individuals make up the vast majority of consultation responses, there is little difference in the quantitative results between the overall sample and individuals.

Q1a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal to replace Winter Fuel Payment with a ‘like-for-like’ replacement?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 489 251 156 10
% of all respondents (906) 54 28 17 1
% of individuals (881) 54 28 18 0
% of organisations (25) 60 16 0 24
  • Miscellaneous (9)
44 11 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
100 0 0 0
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
20 40 0 40
  • Local Authority (3)
67 33 0 0

Q2a. Do you agree or disagree that this approach is an effective way for the Scottish Government to provide financial support for older people?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 523 225 146 12
% of all respondents (906) 58 25 16 1
% of individuals (881) 58 25 17 1
% of organisations (25) 64 8 0 28
  • Miscellaneous (9)
56 0 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
88 13 0 0
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
20 20 0 60
  • Local Authority (3)
100 0 0 0

Q3a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal to name the replacement for Winter Fuel Payment in Scotland ‘Pension Age Winter Heating Payment’ (PAWHP)?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 386 357 141 22
% of all respondents (906) 43 39 16 2
% of individuals (881) 42 40 16 2
% of organisations (25) 52 16 0 32
  • Miscellaneous (9)
33 22 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
75 13 0 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
40 0 0 60
  • Local Authority (3)
67 33 0 0

Q4a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal to continue making payments to clients in November or December each year?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 771 75 38 22
% of all respondents (906) 85 8 4 2
% of individuals (881) 86 8 4 1
% of organisations (25) 44 12 4 40
  • Miscellaneous (9)
56 0 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
63 25 0 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
0 0 0 100
  • Local Authority (3)
33 33 33 0

Q6a. Do you agree or disagree that our universal approach to identifying eligibility should be based on reaching state pension age?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 711 122 56 17
% of all respondents (906) 78 13 6 2
% of individuals (881) 79 14 6 1
% of organisations (25) 52 12 0 36
  • Miscellaneous (9)
56 0 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
75 13 0 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
0 20 0 80
  • Local Authority (3)
67 33 0 0

Q7a. Do you agree or disagree that the eligibility criteria for the PAWHP are clear?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 544 125 217 20
% of all respondents (906) 60 14 24 2
% of individuals (881) 60 14 25 1
% of organisations (25) 60 4 0 36
  • Miscellaneous (9)
56 0 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
88 0 0 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
0 20 0 80
  • Local Authority (3)
100 0 0 0

Q8a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal to retaining the current value of payments?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 489 248 137 32
% of all respondents (906) 54 27 15 4
% of individuals (881) 55 28 15 2
% of organisations (25) 28 20 8 44
  • Miscellaneous (9)
33 22 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
38 13 25 25
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
0 0 0 100
  • Local Authority (3)
33 67 0 0

Q9a. Do you agree or disagree that people in residential care who do not receive the income-related benefits listed should receive half of the ‘full’ rate of PAWHP?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 325 272 281 28
% of all respondents (906) 36 30 31 3
% of individuals (881) 36 31 31 2
% of organisations (25) 32 4 16 48
  • Miscellaneous (9)
22 0 22 56
  • Health / disability / age (8)
38 13 25 25
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
0 0 0 100
  • Local Authority (3)
100 0 0 0

Q9b. Do you agree or disagree that people in residential care who receive one of the income-related benefits listed should not receive PAWHP?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 367 215 291 33
% of all respondents (906) 41 24 32 4
% of individuals (881) 41 24 33 2
% of organisations (25) 28 12 16 44
  • Miscellaneous (9)
22 11 22 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
38 13 25 25
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
0 0 0 100
  • Local Authority (3)
67 33 0 0

Q10a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal for PAWHP to be given to clients in the form of a cash payment and not another form?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 658 137 92 19
% of all respondents (906) 73 15 10 2
% of individuals (881) 73 16 10 1
% of organisations (25) 64 0 4 32
  • Miscellaneous (9)
44 0 11 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
88 0 0 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
40 0 0 60
  • Local Authority (3)
100 0 0 0

Q11a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal to pay PAWHP as an annual one-off payment each winter?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 778 55 56 17
% of all respondents (906) 86 6 6 2
% of individuals (881) 87 6 6 1
% of organisations (25) 60 0 4 36
  • Miscellaneous (9)
44 0 11 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
88 0 0 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
20 0 0 80
  • Local Authority (3)
100 0 0 0

Q12a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposals for providing a way for people to opt-out of receiving PAWHP?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 570 143 174 19
% of all respondents (906) 63 16 19 2
% of individuals (881) 63 16 20 1
% of organisations (25) 52 12 4 32
  • Miscellaneous (9)
44 11 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
63 13 13 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
20 20 0 60
  • Local Authority (3)
100 0 0 0

Q13a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal to continue having the ‘qualifying week’ in September to identify eligible clients?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 629 124 136 17
% of all respondents (906) 69 14 15 2
% of individuals (881) 70 14 15 1
% of organisations (25) 56 12 0 32
  • Miscellaneous (9)
56 0 0 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
63 25 0 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
40 0 0 60
  • Local Authority (3)
67 33 0 0

Q14a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal that clients have 31 days to request a re-determination?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 512 76 298 20
% of all respondents (906) 57 8 33 2
% of individuals (881) 57 8 34 1
% of organisations (25) 36 20 8 36
  • Miscellaneous (9)
44 0 11 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
38 38 13 13
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
20 0 0 80
  • Local Authority (3)
33 67 0 0

Q15a. We have proposed that Social Security Scotland have a period of 56 working days to consider a re-determination. Do you agree or disagree with this proposal?

Agree Disagree Unsure No answer
No. of all respondents (906) 348 235 295 28
% of all respondents (906) 38 26 33 3
% of individuals (881) 39 26 33 2
% of organisations (25) 24 24 8 44
  • Miscellaneous (9)
33 11 11 44
  • Health / disability / age (8)
13 50 13 25
  • Poverty / fuel poverty (5)
0 0 0 100
  • Local Authority (3)
67 33 0 0



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