Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP): consultation response

We are introducing Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP) in winter 2024/25 as a like-for-like replacement for the UK Government’s Winter Fuel Payment. This document lays out the Scottish Government’s response to the PAWHP consultation.

Question 4: Timing of the Payment

Section 4.2 of the consultation asked questions about the timing of payments, and when these should be made during the winter.

There was strong support for the proposal to continue making payments in November and December, with 87% of all respondents agreeing. Support was also high amongst organisations, with 73% agreeing.

Several individuals and one organisation, advocated for an earlier payment date, with October being the most common suggestion. Arguments for this approach included that the weather becomes colder in Scotland earlier than other parts of the UK, and that it would allow people to budget and to buy solid or liquid fuel in advance when they are often cheaper. Conversely, some called for the payment to be made after Christmas in January or February. Some individuals suggested to split the payment over two or more months, to assist with budgeting over the winter, to spread the cost and to ensure that the money was spent on heating bills.

Given the high levels of agreement among the majority of individuals and stakeholders who responded to this question, and the complexity and costs associated with delivering more than one payment per winter alongside the ongoing delivery of other Winter Benefits, we do not intend to make changes to the timing of the payment.



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