Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP): draft regulations 2024

Draft regulations setting out the rules and eligibility criteria for Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations provide for winter heating assistance for individuals who have reached state pension age.

Part 2 provides an overview of entitlement to Pension Age Winter Heating Payment and makes provision for individuals who are not entitled by virtue of receiving other benefits or other circumstances.

Part 3 provides for the eligibility rules in relation to age and residence and presence.

Part 4 provides for the amount of Pension Age Winter Heating Payment depending on the age of the individual, where they live and who they live with and whether or not they are in receipt of particular benefits.

Part 5 provides for making determinations of entitlement without receiving an application and for determinations in respect of underpayments and overpayments.

Part 6 makes provision in respect of making applications and the application window.

Part 7 provides for the period for making a re-determination request and carrying out the re-determination.

Part 8 provides for the form of payment and payment to appropriate persons.



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