
People arriving from Ukraine - risk and need: public protection guidance

Guidance for all practitioners involved in safeguarding of children and adults who are arriving in Scotland from Ukraine to identify and respond to risk and need.

Follow on support

Mental health support

It is essential that anyone arriving from Ukraine has equal access to mental health assessment and support. This enables people to access to the right services at the right level and at the right time. Consideration should be given to advocacy services, where required.

The legislative framework for mental health in Scotland is primarily contained in the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 for which there is a code of practice issued by Scottish Ministers. However, it should be noted that there are many strands to mental health legislative practice in Scotland; these can be complex and difficult to navigate. Anyone requiring care and treatment under legislative processes will be treated with dignity, respect and humility, with rights afforded in line with the principles of the legislation.

Should anyone require inpatient admission, hospital staff will provide support and advice to the individual and adopt a sensitive approach to their cultural needs and beliefs.

It is important any carers of someone in hospital and/or community team care are supported to understand the mental health care and treatment process and options in Scotland. Importantly, they should be supported to understand that as carers in Scotland they have access to a carer’s rights framework and a carer’s assessment.

Psychological Wellbeing Packs have been developed for Ukrainian arrivals, Host Families and Services.

Follow-up welfare visit

People arriving from Ukraine, including children and adults, have often had lengthy journeys and may have suffered trauma and loss. People have been described as exhausted, suspicious of authorities and uncertain about their destinations. 

Escaping war contributes to psychological stress and mental health issues (e.g. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which may not manifest until weeks after displacement).

It is important that those working with people who have arrived from Ukraine are mindful of any indications of this occurrence. It is critical to:

  • consider individuals’ mental health and wellbeing as those affected by war and conflict are at higher risk of significant mental health difficulties and, where appropriate, refer to mental health services
  • use trauma-informed approaches to care provision

At least one welfare visit should be undertaken after the guest has arrived (with consent) to revisit the questions on the welcome checklist (see supporting documents) and to undertake any additional assessment of need or risk.

Local authorities should consider who is best placed to undertake this visit; it is recommended that it is someone with relevant experience in resettlement, family support, social work or social care.

These visits are an opportunity to enquire with people who have arrived from Ukraine whether they feel safe and supported. They should also serve as an opportunity for any support needs of the host to be considered, identifying any particular challenges that could contribute to future breakdown of the hosting arrangement.

It is essential that these visits have a clear referral route to child and adult protection services, and local procedures around risk and protection are followed. 

Role and support for hosts

It is essential that hosts understand their role and that they are provided with offers of support. The Super Sponsor Scheme and Homes for Ukraine: guidance for hosts provides further details on the expectations of hosts, and support available.

It is possible that cultural differences, including parenting styles and lifestyles, become apparent,  placing a strain on living arrangements. It is therefore important that both people arriving from Ukraine and their host families are informed of the support available to manage any difficulties, with the aim of avoiding breakdown.

There is a risk to children and adults of exploitation in the form of unpaid or underpaid work. People arriving from Ukraine should not be undertaking household tasks as a form of payment for accommodation.

Domestic servitude and forced or compulsory labour is an offence under the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015.  

In circumstances where the arrangement is no longer sustainable, support should be sought directly from the local authority.

Ending arrangements

(see here for Ending Arrangements regarding unaccompanied children and young people)

The UK Guidance suggests that guests should notify sponsors/hosts in the event they wish the arrangement to cease, and relies upon the sponsor informing the local authority.

This also applies to sponsors/hosts who wish to end the arrangement, however in this case the sponsor should give their guests two months’ notice.

Guests may move on for a number of reasons including:

  • moving back to Ukraine
  • moving to another host
  • moving into their own accommodation
  • safeguarding concerns for the host or guest

It is important when an arrangement under the Individual Matching or Super Sponsor Scheme comes to an end - for any reason - the local authority must be notified. 

Information sharing

The local protocols for sharing information and raising child and/or adult protection concerns have not changed. Where any person becomes aware of the risk of harm to a child or an adult, then Police Scotland (if the danger is imminent) or Health and Social Care Partnership/Social Work should be alerted immediately. These responsibilities should be particularly highlighted to trainees, new staff, redeployed or volunteer staff.

As people arriving from Ukraine are moving between local authority areas it is essential that relevant safeguarding information be shared efficiently between authorities where it is necessary, lawful and proportionate to do so to ensure effective efficient transitions to minimise and mitigate risks.



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