
People arriving from Ukraine - risk and need: public protection guidance

Guidance for all practitioners involved in safeguarding of children and adults who are arriving in Scotland from Ukraine to identify and respond to risk and need.

Welcome Hubs

The Welcome Hubs in Edinburgh and Renfrewshire provide advice and initial triage of requirements to those arriving. This includes physical and mental health, future housing needs, communication with family members and relevant identification and assessment of need.

Guests may be provided temporary welcome accommodation prior to matching and travel to longer term accommodation.

It is essential that as part of any welcome arrangement, people arriving from Ukraine are provided with information on:

  • what checks have been carried out on their host
  • how to keep themselves and their families safe
  • what their rights and entitlements are here in Scotland
  • what to do if their living arrangement breaks down
  • where to go for support and advice

Further information on eligibility for welcome accommodation, and guidance for individuals arriving in Scotland, is available as part of Scotland for Ukrainians: a guide for displaced people.



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