The People's Panel - community resilience: research findings

Research findings from the 'People's Panel' on community resilience. This publication also details the background and motivation for developing the People’s Panel, how it was delivered and what impact it has made.

Appendix C: Small group discussion questions on resilience topics

Event 4

Research Questions

  • Research Question 1: What do this group understand by the term community?
  • Research Question 2: To what extent are this group aware of risks to their health, safety and wellbeing and how does this translate into planning for emergencies?

Group session: Resilience

Session questions

  • How would you describe ‘community’ and ‘resilience’ in a few words? (Prompts: use your own words, please say whatever comes into your head first)
  • We now want to talk about disruptions, unexpected events or emergencies that could impact on your health, safety and wellbeing. What, if any, sorts of emergencies are you concerned about?
  • What, if any, plans have you made to help you if these things happen?
  • Who do you think is responsible for coping with emergencies?

Event 5

Research Questions

  • Research Question 1: What aspects of household resilience are practical for this group of people?
  • Research Question 2: What do this group believe they can do to help them cope with the impact of an emergency?
  • Research Question 3: How can Scottish Government and partners help households to help themselves cope with emergencies?

Group session: What would help members cope with emergencies

Session questions

  • How aware were you of these [measures to take to be a resilient household, such as creating a household plan, having an emergency kit]? Prompt: Which of these make sense to you, and which don’t?
  • Which of these are do-able and not do-able for you and why?
  • How would you go about finding information about potential disruptions?
  • What skills would you like to get to help during emergencies?
  • What do you think the benefits of knowing your neighbours and others in your area are for resilience?
  • Which do you think would help and which would not help?


  • Which would make the most difference to you and why?
  • Which, if any, have you done in the past?
  • What would help you to do these things? Prompts: Knowledge, support, resources, motivation
  • What would stop you doing these things?
  • What other things could help you cope with an emergency? (e.g. a power cut)
  • What if anything could you do to help others?

Group session: How should SG communicate about coping with emergencies

Session questions

  • In your own words what do you think is the main message people need to get about coping in emergencies?


  • What information do you think people need?
  • Where are you most likely to go to find helpful information yourself?
  • What sort of information are you most likely to use? Prompts: social media, videos, images with text)
  • What sort of information is likely to make you take action?



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