
The People's Panel - cost of living: research findings

Research findings from the 'People's Panel' on the cost of living from March 2022 to March 2023. This publication also details the background and motivation for developing the People’s Panel, how it was delivered and what impact it has made.

Appendix A: Timeline of events

Event 1: June 10 2022

  • Introduction to the People’s Panel (how it will work, who is asking the questions and how the findings will be used), ground rules and housekeeping
  • Information session: Scottish Government’s (SG) approach to addressing COVID-19 harms
  • Group session 1: Members’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Group session 2: Motivations for joining the People’s Panel and what members want to get out of taking part

Event 2: 24 June 2022

  • Findings from Event 1 and the follow up survey
  • Information session: Current SG protective behaviour guidelines and polling results
  • Group session 1: What makes people feel safe and unsafe around COVID-19 and protective behaviours
  • Information session: SG ventilation plans
  • Group session 2: Cost of living crisis and what it means to members

Event 3: 23 September 2022

  • Findings from Event 2 and the follow up survey
  • Impact session: How the findings have been used so far
  • Group session 1: The impact of the cost of living crisis on members’ behaviour and health and wellbeing
  • Group session 2: Attitudes towards COVID-19 and potential protective measures in the autumn and winter
  • Group session 3: Members’ views on the new ventilation guidelines

Event 4: 18 November 2022

  • Findings from Event 3 and the follow up survey
  • Impact session: How the findings have been used so far
  • Information session: CO2 monitors
  • Group session 1: CO2 monitors and the pressures on the NHS
  • Information session: Resilience
  • Group session 2: Resilience
  • Group session 3: Accessing help in times of trouble

Event 5: 27 January 2023

  • Findings from Event 4 and the follow up survey
  • Impact session: How the findings have been used so far
  • Information session: coping with emergencies
  • Group session 1: What would help members cope with emergencies
  • Group session 2: How should SG communicate about coping with emergencies

Event 6: 24 March 2023

  • Impact session: How the findings have been used across all the events
  • Thank you sessions from policy teams, volunteers and the research team
  • Group session 1: How members feel about COVID-19 now and for the future
  • Group session 2: Open session for members to talk about their priorities
  • Group session 3: Highlights and lowlights of being members of the People’s panel



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