
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board minutes: 30 January 2020

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 30 January 2020.

Attendees and apologies


  • Hugh McAloon, Chair, Scottish Government (SG)
  • Sally Amor, Child Health Commissioner & North of Scotland representative, NHS Highland
  • Alex Brown, Programme Support Officer, National Services Division (NSD)
  • Roch Cantwell, Lead Clinician Perinatal Mental Health Managed Clinical Network, NSD
  • Ruth Christie, Head of Perinatal and Early Years Mental Health Team, SG
  • Aman Durrani, Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist, Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Fiona Fraser, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Perinatal Mental Health Services, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership
  • Ann Holmes, Chief Midwifery Advisor & Associate, Chief Nursing Officer, SG
  • Catriona Johnson, Programme Associate Director, NSD
  • Sally Ann Kelly, Chief Executive, Aberlour
  • Lauren Kennedy, Lead Nurse for Mental Health & Learning Disabilities, Mental Health Nurse Leads Scotland
  • Jaqueline Lambert, Professional Midwifery Advisor, SG
  • Katy Lister, Perinatal and Early Years Mental Health Team, SG
  • Rebecca Macpherson, Perinatal and Early Years Mental Health Team, SG
  • Anne McFadyen, Infant Mental Health Lead, Perinatal Mental Health Managed Clinical Network, NSD
  • Eileen McKenna, Associate Director,Royal College of Nursing
  • Lesley Metcalf, Senior Programme Manager, NSD
  • Jessica Moran, Perinatal and Early Years Mental Health Team, SG
  • Marie-Claire Shankland, Programme Director, NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
  • Helen Sloan, Chair Maternal Mental Health Scotland, Maternal Mental Health Scotland
  • Judy Thomson, Director of Psychology, NES
  • Clare Thompson, Participation Officer, Maternal Mental Health Scotland
  • Harriet Waugh, Senior Policy Manager, Perinatal and Early Years Mental Health, SG

In attendance

  • Emma Currer, Deputising for Mary Ross-Davie, National Officer for Scotland, Royal College of Midwives
  • Katrina PhillipsDeputising for Jackie Kerr, Head of Specialist Services, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
  • Andrew Wyllie, Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Mental Health Nurse, Leads Scotland


  • Jeff Ace, Chief Executive, NHS Dumfries and Galloway
  • Maria Docherty, Executive Director, Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Healthcare Professionals
  • Jackie Kerr, Assistant Chief Officer for Adult Services, Health and Social Care Partnership
  • Marion MacAulay, Chief Social Work Officer, East Ayrshire Local Authority
  • Hugh Masters, Chair of PNIMH Programme Board, SG
  • Mary-Ross Davie, Director, Royal College of Midwives
  • Carolyn Wilson, Lead Policy Officer, Family Nurse Partnership, SG

Items and actions

Welcome, apologies and introductions

Mr Hugh McAloon welcomed everyone to the sixth Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (PNIMH) Programme Board meeting. He advised that he would Chair the meeting as Hugh Masters, Chair of the Board, was unwell and unable to attend on this occasion. Introductions were made around the table and apologies were noted as above.

Minutes of previous meeting and update

The minutes from 4 December 2019 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting, with one amendment to the apologies from Maria Docherty. The Chair reviewed the actions and noted that all bar one action had been completed.

Actions from 4 December 2019 programme board meeting, and updates:

  • action one: Health Board nominated Executive Leads to be shared with the PNIMH-PB. Katy Lister / Alex Brown. 14 January 2020. Circulated with minutes
  • action two: high level IMH-IAG paper to be circulated, when approved, to the PNIMH-PB and Children and Young People’s Programme Board (CYPB). Anne McFadyen / A.Brown. 23 January 2020. Complete. Circulated with meeting papers
  • action three: discuss potential gap in service provision for three to five year olds with Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme Board. Ruth Christie. 30 March 2020.  Ruth has met with Jacqueline Campbell; there will be ongoing dialogue
  • action four: news release on third Sector funded organisations to be circulated to PNIMH Programme Board. A.Brown. 20 December 2019. Complete. Sent with minutes of 4 December 2019.Programme board meeting
  • action five: draft and circulate high level summary of how third sector organisations are using funding. Harriet Waugh. 23 January 2020. Complete. Circulated with meeting papers
  • action six: the next tranche of third sector funding to be discussed at January 2020 meeting. Lesley Metcalf. 23 January 2020. Moved to March programme board meeting
  • action seven: MBU decisions paper to be circulated to the PNIMH Programme Board when allocations have been finalised.H.Waugh. 23 January 2020. Complete. Circulated with meeting papers
  • action eight: as part of 2020/2021 delivery plan, consider workforce implications and discuss at the March 2020 meeting. SG / NSS. 28 February 2020. To be included on March PB agenda

Participation Officer update

The Chair invited Clare Thompson to update the group on her recently appointed role as Participation Officer. C.Thompson introduced a draft set of research questions, based on the Women with Lived Experience Survey, which aimed to collect qualitative data from women and families with lived experience.

C.Thompson asked the Programme Board members to consider what information they wanted to collect from those with lived experience. She invited the group to offer suggestions and feedback on the questions to help identify the barriers to care and the gaps in research. R.Christie confirmed that she would meet with C.Thompson to further consider how her role could support the Programme Board.

Action: All

Mental Health Policy context update

H.McAloon provided background on the Scottish Government Mental Health directorate which had been established to address mental health needs across the population, cradle to grave. He advised that the 2017 to 2027 Scottish Government Mental Health Strategy had a vision to build a Scotland where people can get the right help at the right time, expect recovery, and fully enjoy their rights, free from discrimination and stigma. He stressed that PNIMH was a rising priority for Scottish Government at high levels, and demand for support was increasing.

Main focuses of the Mental Health Strategy:

  • prevention and early intervention – identify problems as they emerge and respond quickly
  • improve access to clinical and specialist services, and the quality of those services
  • promote good mental health and the skills for self-care
  • reduce stigma
  • reduce suicides
  • mental health considered as part of over-all wellbeing
  • review of mental health law to more closely connect physical and mental health in policy

Peer support

The Chair invited Jessica Moran to provide an update on the recently completed Peer Support Report which collated evidence of peer support in perinatal mental health services in Scotland and internationally. J.Moran presented a summary of the evidence, which was collected from stakeholder feedback and online academic research, and outlined suggestions for expanding the role of peer support in Scottish services. It was agreed that the report would be circulated to programme board members when finalised and a more detailed discussion would be scheduled for a future meeting.

Action: J.Moran / A.Brown

A McFadyen questioned whether there was any evidence of benefit for the child where a mother received peer support. J.Moran noted that evidence in that regard was limited but she could look further at this aspect.

Action: J.Moran

The group also questioned how, if peer support workers were introduced to MBUs, care would pass to another individual upon discharge of the woman and whether this change in relationship could present challenges. Discussion then moved to consider the need for the research conducted by J.Moran to link to the Perinatal Mental Health MCN work on developing role descriptors.

Infant Mental Health update

The Chair invited A.McFadyen and H.Waugh to update the group on the work of the Infant Mental Health Implementation & Advisory Group (IMH-IAG).

It was noted that the terms of reference were ready for final approval following comments at the December meeting. The membership was clarified & A.McFadyen advised that members seem keen to participate. The next meeting is scheduled for 19 February 2020.

A.McFadyen and R.Christie had arranged to attend the Children & Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme Board to further discuss the overlap between the two programmes of work. Consideration is also being given to how to address the needs of three to five year olds as they are not formally covered by either Programme Board at present.

The group were advised that work has been funded in NHS Lanarkshire and NHS Fife to consider the best model for infant mental health and how to establish the Parent-Infant therapist role. The two oards are taking slightly different approaches but are being linked by communication with A.McFadyen and the IMH-IAG.

The MCN annual event on 30 March will have a co-production theme and offer an opportunity for discussion on parent-infant therapist posts. It is hoped this will also offer an opportunity to bring experts by experience together. The IMH-IAG is also considering how to work closely with the Perinatal Strategic Network (Maternity & Neonatology).

A.McFadyen also confirmed that a piece of work undertaken with the NSPCC looking at mapping current provision/ support for infant mental health was nearing completion and would be shared in due cbourse.

Ann Holmes noted a need to consider the wider workforce implications in regard to establishing infant mental health services and the links with other policy areas and initiatives underway.

2020/2021 draft delivery plan presentation and discussion

The Chair and R.Christie presented a draft of the 2020/2021 delivery plan which built on the key actions from 2019/2020 and invited the group to make any suggestions or recommendations to the programme management team at NSD in order that they can be considered and an updated version of the Delivery Plan can be discussed and potentially approved at the 26 March Programme Board meeting.

Action: all PB members


Katrina Phillips advised the group that the Glasgow MBU is trialing Attend Anywhere. If successful, this could provide blueprint for future innovation and use of technology in regard to perinatal mental healthcare.

Sally Ann Kelly advised the group that the International Child Trauma conference, More than My Trauma, was being held on 17 and 18 September, with Bruce Perry (Senior Fellow of the Child Trauma Academy in Houston, Texas).

Date and time of next meeting

Thursday 26 March, 15:00 to 16:30 at COSLA, Edinburgh.

Action summary table:

  • Action one: Programme Board members to send feedback to C.Thompson on the lived experience research questions. All. 2 March 2020
  • Action two: SG to connect with Ann Holmes to consider the best way to use her expertise in regard to potential additions to the Maternity Experience Survey, the infant mental health workforce implications and the policy overlap between the PB and Best Start. R.Christie. Complete
  • Action three: J.Moran to consider evidence of mother peer support being beneficial for babies, and to Circulate Peer Support report (when finalised) for discussion at future Board meeting. J.Moran/ A.Brown. 18 March 2020 
  • Action four: discussion on EQIA and marginalised groups to be discussed at March Programme Board meeting. A.Brown. 12 March 2020
  • Action five: Evaluability Assessment report findings to be discussed at March Programme Board meeting. A.Brown. 12 March 2020
  • Action six: Programme Board members to send feedback to the NSD/SG team on the 2020/21 draft delivery plan. All. 2 March 2020



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