Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board 2020-2021: delivery plan
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board's Delivery Plan for 2020 to 2021.
'Delivering the Pledge': the 2020-21 Perinatal Mental Health Delivery Plan
Whilst progress has been rapid it is crucial that we maintain a focus on the overall vision for women, young children and families which is for perinatal and infant mental health services that are responsive, timely and address the changing needs of women and families throughout pregnancy and the early years of life. Most important is that these services are led by the needs of women, young children and families, building on good practice and learning from positive and negative experiences of current services. That is why we have placed The Pledge , developed by women with lived experience of perinatal mental illness and the MCN, and the eight asks within it, at the very heart of the 2020-21 delivery plan.
We will continue the work and actions from the first delivery plan and ensure a continued focus on raising awareness, promoting understanding and reducing stigma, and measuring the impact of the delivery plans. There are 2 key strategic action areas for delivery in 2020-21:
1. Developing specialist Perinatal Mental Health support across Scotland
Over time a series of allocations to Health Boards and IJBs will increase capacity to allow Health Boards to fulfil the relevant key actions in the 2020/21 Delivery Plan. This ultimately involves being able to provide comprehensive services in Mother and Baby Units, Neonatal and Maternity Care, Community Perinatal Mental Health, and Infant Mental Health. It will fundamentally involve collaborative working with local authorities and third sector to ensure need is being adequately addressed and that there is continuity of provision. Boards and IJBs will also be required to collaboratively ensure that the use of telecare and digital self-help is maximised and that service users and practitioners are aware of what is available. Best practice models of peer support should be used where possible. All of this work is underpinned by the staffing recommendations laid out in the Delivering Effective Services report.
In 2020-21 we will work with Health Boards and other appropriate bodies to understand current provision within regional and NHS board areas and plan how to move to a position of meeting required staffing levels and sustaining those levels to meet the needs of the population of Scotland. We will also consider how improvements, as a result of increases in staffing, will be measured.
2. Third sector support
In 2019-20 we provided £225.000 funding to support 3rd sector organisations already focused on providing Perinatal and Infant Mental Health services to sustain current provision. In 2020-21 we will launch a new national fund for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health third sector organisations, managed by Inspiring Scotland, focussed on supporting the mental health of women, families and children from preconception to three years of age. It will run for three years, from August 2020 – March 2024 (subject to annual Scottish Government approval). Annually, the fund will distribute up to £1 million to third sector organisations. This will support organisations supporting the mental health of women and families and will also provide funding to address key gaps in provision. Peer Support will be an important component in all of these developments. Additionally, we are providing extension funding in the financial year 2020/21 for those in receipt of the 2019/20 funding and are continuing to support those organisations, and the wider sector where possible, in relation to the current challenging circumstances.
![Figure 3 – Women & Families Maternal Mental Health Pledge Poster](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/strategy-plan/2020/07/perinatal-infant-mental-health-programme-board-2020-2021-delivery-plan2/SCT05205536781_g03.gif)
* NB Timescales/milestones have been included and adjusted but will need to be further reviewed once Covid-19 restrictions change and the situation stabilises.
2020-21 Delivery Plan |
Programme Board Delivery Aims |
What, When, Who * |
To meet Pledge Expectation: "I am able to talk about my mental health without fear of being judged."
1. Develop a raising awareness, promoting understanding and reducing stigma strategy, in conjunction with people with lived experience by end of 2020 |
Develop and publish Raising PNIMH Awareness Strategy and progress/monitor implementation and impact Communication plan in place and actioned, including website Develop plan for further meaningful involvement of people with lived experience in all aspects of the PNIMH programme including fathers and significant others |
Scottish Government (SG) Policy Team, Managed Clinical Network (MCN) and Participation Officer [12 months] |
To meet Pledge Expectation: "I am given advice and care if I have a pre-existing mental health problem."
2. Deliver on Managed Clinical Network (MCN) Delivering Effective Services report recommendations for MBU and community specialist services development for 2250 women and families |
Staffing structures in place in Mother and Baby Units that reflect the recommendations of 'Delivery Effective Services' in order to provide a comprehensive clinical service and enhanced role actioned and monitored. Consider the need to commence a formal options appraisal, which might also consider alternative models of specialist support for women with acute perinatal mental health needs. We will also take into consideration the views of women and families when considering the options for additional MBU provision. Family Fund launched and ongoing evaluation established Planning for increased Community Specialist Perinatal Mental Health teams PNIMH leads and implementation groups in place in all NHS boards/IJBs Monitoring process and visits confirmed and in place |
SG Policy team/National Services Scotland (NSS)/Executive Leads – review [In progress] Consensus on process [6 months] Commences (launch in line with changing of C-19 restrictions on visiting) SG and Executive Leads – regional leads and delivery structures by September 2020 SG Policy team/ Executive Leads/ MCN |
To meet Pledge Expectation: "I will be able to access talking therapies quickly, if I need them."
3. Deliver on MCN Delivering Effective Services report recommendation for psychological therapies service development for 5500 women and families |
Planning for increased psychological therapies provision to maternity and neonatal services. This needs to include a national costed plan for supporting incremental roll out should there be any additionality required in the workforce. Neonatal and maternity psychological support provision agreed with all boards and plan in place, including an exploration of the need to increase specialist perinatal mental health roles |
SG Mental Health and Executive Leads – regional leads and delivery structures [6 months] |
To meet Pledge Expectation: "My family are given information and support for themselves and to support me."
4. Deliver on MCN DES report recommendation for service development for 11000 women and families |
Establish a PNIMH fund for Third sector organisations providing non-clinical support to women and families and mechanism for dispersing and governing funding implemented |
SG Policy team/ NSS/ Inspiring Scotland – in place [launched fund May 2020] |
5. Support the development of targeted PNIMH support for:
Set out current support available and future support needs of fathers – partners, kinship carers, including through peer support. Develop specific initiatives targeted at women with substance misuse issues and other marginalised groups, including through peer support. Produce NES Essential Perinatal and Infant Mental Health resource aimed at the Enhanced and Specialist level of the Curricular Framework, for those working in specialist PNMH services. Establish a working group to gain a more detailed understanding of issues raised in the EQIA through further consultation and analysis |
SG – in line with EQIA and as part of third sector grant funding above [12 months] |
To meet Pledge Expectation: "I am confident that the staff who care for me have the right knowledge and skills." 6. Support the development of education and training in line with the NES Perinatal curricular framework. Ensure that the health and social care workforce in enhanced and specialist perinatal mental health services will have access to appropriate learning and development opportunities A cross sector health, social care, children's services and third sector workforce will have access to learning and development opportunities and the appropriate level, to promote high quality perinatal and infant mental health care and support across Scotland. Staff across universal services can access learning and development at the appropriate level so they can identify and support families with perinatal and infant mental health needs. |
Produce NES Essential Perinatal and Infant Mental Health resource aimed at the Enhanced and Specialist level of the Curricular Framework, for those working in specialist PNMH services. Roll out a model to ensure systematic take up of Essential Perinatal and Infant Mental Health resources. Put in place training, supervision, coaching and the development of resources, including a model of implementation to promote and ensure systematic take up of training, to meet the needs of the health, social care, children's services and third sector workforce across all learning levels and to ensure delivery of interventions to support families with perinatal and/or infant mental health care needs. This should include a national costed plan for supporting training roll out at Board level, particularly in the universal services training context below. Develop and roll out training and development resources for the universal workforce that are integrated with existing workforce training and requirements (such as Best Start and the Universal Health Visitor Pathway.) |
NES – first modules available [May 2020] Full resource available [6 months] NES [3 months] NES [6 months] NES [12 months] |
To meet Pledge Expectation: "My family are given information and support for themselves and to support me." 7. Developing Peer support provision |
Implement the recommendations and associated action plan from the 'Review of the evidence for Peer Support in Perinatal Mental Health' report. The objectives are to:
Inspiring Scotland/SG Policy Team [12 months] |
8. Data, measures and evaluation framework developed and in place |
Set out key priorities for evaluation and commission based on Evaluability Assessment report EQIA gaps and priorities identified (including substance misuse) and included in all funding processes Key data baseline measures agreed and data collection commenced, including mental health Quality Indicator interface |
SG/NSS/Public Health Scotland [3 months] SG [3 months] MCN/SG/ISD [6 months] |
To meet Pledge Expectation: "I am confident that the staff who care for me have the right knowledge and skills."
9. Set out workforce planning and sustainability imperatives in PNIMH and consider wider workforce impact including universal services |
National costed plan for increasing and training the PNIMH workforce in the medium/long term developed, which includes PNIMH workforce, universal services workforce modelling and student intake planning across the professions Workforce modelling across professions and agencies to increase access/workforce capacity to psychological support (Rec 16) Supporting PNIMH 'champions' framework developed. Plan for work with Local authorities – Social workers, nurseries, schools, children's centres Care pathways identified and developed |
SG Policy [12 months] MCN [3 months] |
To meet Pledge Expectation: "I will be looked after by experts, no matter where I live in Scotland."
10. Innovation - Digital and telehealth |
The existing range of digital and self-help resources reviewed and new resources developed in line with existing platforms such as NHS Inform and NHS 24, the Mental Health Hub, Parent Club and also third sector resources. Support the national rollout of 'Near Me' video consulting platform and develop perinatal and infant mental health specific guidance for use The supplementary component of the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Fund in years 2 and 3 will be dedicated to promoting innovation through support of small organisations and in tackling emerging issues. Explore opportunities for Quality Improvement projects and tests of change |
SG Policy team/NSS [6 months] SG Policy [3 months] Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) [3 months] SG Policy team/Inspiring Scotland MCN [3 months] |
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