
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board: delivery plan - September 2021 to September 2022

This plan will ensure the work completed by the Programme Board helps to provide services to women, men and families who require help and support during the perinatal period.

Overview of Investment

Third Sector Funding

Funding prior to launch of the main Fund: £395,252

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund: £664,981 in year 1 and £814,038 in year 2

Small Grants Fund: £200,000 over years 2 and 3 of the main fund

Infant Mental Health

2019/20: £81,204

2020/21: £876,118

2021/22: £2,269,607

Mother and Baby Units

Staffing: £1,555,209

Family Fund: £50,000

Peer Support: £90,000 in 2021/22

Maternity/ Neonatal Psychological Interventions

2020/21: £622,005

2021/22: £1,680,604

Specialist Community Perinatal Mental Health

2019/20: £82,367

2020/21: £1,409,797

2021/22: £4,076,222



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