
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board: delivery plan - September 2021 to September 2022

This plan will ensure the work completed by the Programme Board helps to provide services to women, men and families who require help and support during the perinatal period.

Annex 2 - Summary of 2020/21 Progress for Infant Mental Health

2020/21 Infant Mental Health Delivery Plan Aims

The Infant Mental Health 2020/21 Delivery Plan was focused on the core values of The Promise and was underpinned by the principles of Getting it Right For Every Child and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Area of focus:

1. Leadership and Co-production

What we did:

A series of virtual visits to Health Boards was undertaken by Programme Board Chair, Infant Mental Health Lead, those with lived experience and the Perinatal Mental Health Network Scotland.

Individual Health Boards received tailored Wellbeing for Wee Ones reports specific to their area to help inform their strategic direction.

Area of focus:

2. Raise awareness and promote understanding of the importance of infant mental health and develop a shared language and approach that is accessible to parents and families, as well as professionals.

What we did:

The Wellbeing for Wee Ones campaign launched in February 2021 and sought to raise awareness to parents and carers of the mental health and wellbeing of their babies and infants by taking a science based approach to early relationships. The campaign centred around digital and film based adverts with a dedicated Infant Mental Health section on Parent Club.

Area of focus: 3.

Develop a framework and model for the delivery of Infant Mental Health services.

What we did:

Reflexive methodology learning from planned service implementation in different Board areas has formed the basis for a service development guide for Boards. The development of this model has been informed by expert groups.

Area of focus:

4. Learn from Quality Improvement work in 2 Health Board areas (1st Wave Projects)

What we did:

NHS Lanarkshire and NHS Fife have been continuing their service development and have shared learning around their respective strategic and operational landscapes.

Area of focus:

5. Identify Health Boards where sufficient infrastructure in place to invest in further service development in 2020-21 (2nd Wave Projects)

What we did:

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Highland and NHS Lothian were identified as Wave 2 implementation sites and have been funded to develop dedicated Infant Mental Health services.

Area of focus:

6. Identify Health Boards looking for support to prepare for service development by addressing infrastructure development and encouraging a shared vision across agencies (3rd Wave Projects).

What we did:

Wave 3 development is underway. In addition, funding was provided to a number of Boards to embed an Infant Mental Health focus from within the context of their specialist Community Perinatal Mental Health services.

Area of focus:

7. Consider what support might enhance the delivery of services to neonates with complex needs in the context of prematurity, congenital abnormalities or other health challenges who are returning to their home area after a period of inpatient specialist interventions.

What we did:

Members of the Infant Mental Health Implementation and Advisory Group ​have developed a care pathway for Neonatal and Infant Psychological Prevention and Intervention Services, which is being piloted in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. NHS Education for Scotland have developed a specific training about the care of these infants.

Area of focus:

8. Training and Workforce Development and Retention

What we did:

The Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund is supporting Infant Mental Health training in the third sector.

NHS Education for Scotland have produced an Infant Mental Health Training Plan.

Area of focus:

9. Impact, Evaluation and the development of Outcome Measures

What we did:

The Infant Mental Health evaluation subgroup is in place and is progressing work looking at local and national outcomes.

Area of focus:

10. Innovation

What we did:

Family Nurses are supporting local developments in Infant Mental Health provision and work is ongoing in incorporating learning from Family Nurse Partnership.



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