
Perinatal and infant mental health programme board/Infant mental health implementation and advisory group final report

Final report of the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board and the Infant Mental Health Implementation and Advisory Group which concluded in March 2023

Annex A – 22nd March 2023 Celebratory Event Report

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board Celebratory Closing Event Report

22nd March 2023 - Ps&Gs Church, Edinburgh

Background and Purpose

This event aimed to celebrate the work of the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board (PB) and the Infant Mental Health Implementation and Advisory Group (IAG) 2019-2023 across perinatal and infant mental health services, as well as to hear from the voice of lived experience and the difference that has been made to women, infants and families in Scotland.


3 babies and 75 adults, including 2 Ministers, attended the event.

8 health boards, 9 Third Sector organisations and 6 Universities were represented.

Speakers, Presentations and Posters

Prof. Hugh Masters introduced and chaired the day, which began with a summary of PB, IAG, and third sector achievements from Dr. Roch Cantwell, Dr. Anne McFadyen and Leanne Anderson.

Inspiring Scotland led an interactive session using Menti and asked the group what they were most proud of from the past four years of work (see Evaluation section, below.)

Mr. Kevin Stewart, Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, and Ms. Clare Haughey, Minister for Children and Families, reflected on the Perinatal and Early Years Mental Health landscape in Scotland, and announced the Voice of the Infant Best Practice Guidelines and Infant Pledge.

Rach Barlee and Lizzy Archibald gave a presentation on the difference that has been made to women and families, and also to staff in the new and expanded perinatal and infant mental health services.

After the speeches and presentations, event attendees were invited to move around the room to look at a series of posters created by PB and IAG subgroups and key partner organisations showing more detail on specific workstreams and projects. Please see the last section of this report for a full list of posters displayed at the event.


Of those who responded to the evaluation, 94% thought that the event achieved its purpose (as outlined above) very well, and 92% found the event very useful.

All presentations scored 4.5 or above out of 5 (5 being excellent, 1 being not good at all) and were described as the ‘Perfect balance of brevity and information’.

“It was brilliant to meet people face to face and the event felt like a real celebration of all we have achieved across Scotland. Thank you for a fabulous day.”

When asked what they enjoyed the most about the event, attendees said the opportunity to network, see people in person, and hear and share information about the wide range of work and achievements that have taken place since 2019.

Thoughts were written on flipcharts by attendees throughout the event, including;

  • Life course model – how to connect adult mental health with infant mental health?
  • Gathering data of non-birth partners and kinship carers
  • Develop Infant Psychiatry role training, and Infant Observational Training in Child and Adult Psychiatry
  • Infants with disabilities, exceptional health needs, born preterm and their families

Event attendees were asked to use Menti, the online engagement platform, to respond to the question ;

What are you most proud of?

The 132 total responses have been grouped into themes here;

  • Increased awareness and understanding of perinatal and infant mental health
  • New and expanded specialist services offering support across Scotland
  • Increase in numbers of trained staff and available therapies
  • The work of the third sector, in challenging times
  • Progress of Infant Mental Health; new services, recurring funding, dedicated training, and published resources supporting the infant voice
  • Collaborative effort and partnership working, with lived experience and participation at the centre
  • Passionate/ motivated/ committed/ talented workforce

What are you most proud of?

“The vast amount of work across a huge range of services which make a real impact for women, infants and families […] as a parent I can see how beneficial it all is. Well done!”


List of the posters displayed at the event, and their creators.

  • Women and Families Maternal Mental Health Pledge – Perinatal Mental Health Network Scotland
  • Infant Pledge – Voice of the Infant subgroup
  • Scottish Perinatal Mental Health Care Pathways – Perinatal Mental Health Network Scotland
  • What We Do – Perinatal Mental Health Network Scotland
  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Fund Summary – Inspiring Scotland
  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Fund Locations – Inspiring Scotland
  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Fund Family Feedback – Inspiring Scotland
  • Voice of the Infant Short-Life Working Group
  • Infant Mental Health Needs Assessment Summary – Anne McFadyen (Full NHS Lanarkshire Infant Mental Health Needs Assessment Report)
  • Infant Mental Health Indicator Set Summary – NHS Lanarkshire (Full Infant Mental Health Observational Indicator Set)
  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Workforce and Sustainability subgroup
  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Equalities subgroup (with support from Aberlour)
  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Monitoring and Evaluation subgroup (with support from Public Health Scotland)
  • Using the Candidacy Framework to Conceptualise Systems and Gaps when Developing Infant Mental Health Services: A Qualitative Study – Fifi T H Phang, Alicia Weaver, David N Blane, Fionnghuala Murphy, Andrew Dawson, Sophie Hall, Anna De Natale, Helen Minnis, Anne McFadyen
  • “Breaking the cycle”: A Qualitative Study Exploring General Practitioners’ Views on Infant Mental Health – Anna De Natale, Sophie Hall, Anne McFadyen, Helen Minnis, David Blane
  • A qualitative study examining barriers and enablers to infant mental health service development – Alicia Weaver, University of Glasgow
  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Champions’ Programme – NHS Education for Scotland
  • Infant Mental Health Training Update – NHS Education for Scotland
  • Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Training Programme – NHS Education for Scotland



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