
Fish farming - permitted development rights: guidance

Guidance detailing the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 (as amended) which apply to marine and freshwater finfish and shellfish developments (updated April 2021).

Summary of changes to permitted development rights introduced by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development and Use Classes) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020

23. Since the most recent Scottish Government guidance document on permitted development rights for fish farming (August 2018), further changes have been introduced by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development and Use Classes) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020. These changes, which are detailed below, only relate to Class 21A – the remaining classes of permitted development remain unchanged.

Class Amendment
21A – Fish – Fin Fish Pens
  • In situations which are not 'like for like', to increase the maximum size of a replacement or additional pen for which development is permitted under this class from 100 metre circumference for a circular pen (796 square metres in area for a non-circular pen) to 200 metre circumference for a circular pen (3182 square metres in area for a non-circular pen).
  • To increase the maximum surface area of the waters which may be covered by the equipment comprising the fish farm as altered or extended following the installation of an additional or replacement pen to be no more than 1,100 square metres greater than the surface area of the waters covered by the original equipment.
  • Development is now not permitted if the surface area of the waters covered by the equipment comprising the fish farm as altered or extended following the installation of an additional or replacement pen is 20,000 square metres or more (amended from 15,000 square metres or more).



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