
Person-centred care: guidance for non-executive directors

Resource booklet for NHSScotland board members, with an interest in person centred care.

Increased Use of Patient Opinion Driving Change

Which of the five 'Must Do with Me' principles does this relate to?

Which of the five 'Must Do with Me' principles does this relate to?

The Scottish Government continues to support NHS Boards' engagement with Patient Opinion. This independent website provides an online route for people to share their experiences of care - whether good or bad - directly with NHS Boards, and engage in constructive dialogue with them about how services can be improved.

In 2015, more than 1,700 stories were shared on Patient Opinion. The vast majority received a prompt response, and there have been over 100 service changes made or planned to NHS services as a direct result of the stories shared in this way, since the website was rolled out across Scotland.

Patient experience is an early indicator of both good and poor quality. With this in mind the Scottish Government is currently developing systematic methods that boards will be able to use to analyse the trends and themes being aired. These can then be used to share good practice and where required, improve quality.

NHSScotland total Patient Opinion stories per month April 2013-November 2015

The total number of stories being posted on Patient Opinion and Care Opinion continues to increase significantly.

The Scottish Government has signed a contract with Patient Opinion that provides for every NHS Board in Scotland, and relevant special boards including NHS Education for Scotland, Golden Jubilee Foundation Hospital, NHS 24, Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS National Services Scotland and Healthcare Improvement Scotland, to be fully registered with Patient Opinion for up to three years from April 2015. A comprehensive package of support is available to boards and we are exploring ways to enhance and further develop the use of the site.

Word cloud of improvement themes from Patient Opinion Sep.-Nov. 2015

Word cloud of improvement themes from Patient Opinion Sep.-Nov. 2015


Email: Sarah Hildersley

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