
Person-centred care: guidance for non-executive directors

Resource booklet for NHSScotland board members, with an interest in person centred care.

What Non-Executive Directors Can Do

What Non-Executive Directors can do to promote person-centred care:

  • Consider how you can champion person-centred care, both within and outwith your board.
  • Determine whether the leaders in your organisation are advocating for action to deliver care that is reliably person-centred.
  • How is the board developing positive care experiences with a strong focus on the outcomes that matter to the people using its services, guided by the five 'Must Do with Me' principles of care?
  • Does the board widely publicise the information people need to give feedback, comments, concerns and complaints, and the support available for them to do so?
  • How is the board supporting staff to be open and confident in receiving feedback?
  • How is the board using the intelligence gathered from all forms of feedback, particularly the stories posted about its services on the independent website Patient Opinion, to inform and drive improvement?
  • Is the board frequently reviewing and giving due priority to the themes and nature (i.e. positive or negative) of the feedback from the independent website Patient Opinion and comparing this to other internal sources of feedback?
  • Are the governance and accountability mechanisms the board has put in place in connection with feedback and complaints robust and transparent?
  • Does the board engage with patients and the public in reviewing how the themes emerging from feedback and complaints data can be used to improve healthcare services?
  • How is the board supporting people to have the confidence, knowledge, understanding and skills they need to understand the information they are given about their health, and to navigate healthcare systems?
  • Does the board support people to live well on their own terms, and with whatever health conditions they have, through collaborative care and support planning?
  • Is the board working with its integration partners to develop effective mechanisms for involving citizens meaningfully in planning and improving healthcare services, using the principles and values of Our Voice?


Email: Sarah Hildersley

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