
Person-centred care: advice for non-executive board members

Resource booklet for NHSScotland non-executive board members with an interest in person-centred care.

Self Management

Which of the five ‘Must Do With Me’ principles does this relate to? 

1. What matters to you?
2. Who matters to you?
3. What information do you need?
4. Nothing about me without me
5. Service flexibility

Self management puts people living with long-term conditions in ‘the driving seat’ of their care. It supports and encourages them to access information and to develop skills that will enable them to live their lives well, on their own terms, with whatever health conditions they have.

Cover Example

Scotland has been a world leader in self management. In 2008 Gaun Yersel! The Self Management Strategy for Scotland was published. The strategy was co-produced with people living with long-term conditions, co-ordinated by the ALLIANCE working with the Scottish Government.

Self Management Fund

The £2 million per year Self Management Fund, administered on behalf of the Scottish Government by the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE), provides a unique opportunity for third sector organisations and partnerships to develop and strengthen new project ideas that support self management as well as building upon existing approaches.

By 2018, the Self Management Fund had provided £18 million to support over 275 new ideas and projects by third sector organisations and partnerships, all aimed at supporting people to live well with their conditions, based on the understanding that they are supporting people to live well with their conditions, based on the understanding that they are in the driving seat of their care.

Self Management Network

Launched by the ALLIANCE in November 2014, the Self Management Network Scotland has over 500 members and continues to grow. The network provides a focal point for continuing to build on self management in Scotland, sharing good practice and driving innovation and improvement.


ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland), is an online resource that helps to link people with support within their local communities. ALISS has been co-produced with people with long-term conditions and professionals, and it offers a means for communities to work together to gather, maintain and share vital information.



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