
Personal development planning and review: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy aims to ensure the fair and effective undertaking of personal development planning and review processes for all staff.

1 Introduction

Personal Development Planning and Review ( PDP & R) is part of a continual process of planning, monitoring, assessment and support to help staff develop their capabilities and potential to fulfil their job role and purpose.

This increases the effectiveness of the organisation's performance through ongoing, constructive dialogue to ensure that everyone:

  • Knows what is expected of them;
  • Is able to identify and fulfil prioritised development needs; and
  • Gets feedback on performance.

Appropriate arrangements for PDP & R will support current role and career development, and commitment to lifelong learning.

A number of different systems for carrying out PDP & R are now in place in NHSScotland, as referred to in this PIN Policy.

This document does not replicate these systems, but cross-references them, recognising that the document's principles and values are applicable to each system for personal development planning and review.

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