
Personal licence holder modification to the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005: guidance

Modification to the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 guidance produced in order to assist Licensing Boards and clerks with the administration of the requirement for personal licence holders to evidence that they have undertaken refresher training.

Laid before the Scottish Parliament by the Scottish Ministers February 2013 SG/2013/21

Refresher training requirements for personal licence holders - modification to guidance - background


The modification to the guidance has been produced to assist Licensing Boards and clerks with the administration of the requirement for personal licence holders to evidence that they have undertaken refresher training, particularly in relation to those personal licences issued in the transition period between 01 March 2008 and 01 September 2009.

Background to personal licence holder refresher training

When selling alcohol on licensed premises, the sale must be authorised generally or specifically by a personal licence holder. The designated premises manager must possess a personal licence. In many premises, other members of staff also attain personal licences so that they can also authorise sales, conduct staff training, and as a matter of general best practice.

The holder of a personal licence must undergo refresher training to ensure their licence remains valid. They must produce evidence that they have passed this refresher course, to the licensing board which granted their personal licence, within 5 years of the date of issue of their personal licence (with a three month grace period).

Consequences of failure to renew personal licence

If personal licence holders do not refresh their personal licence holder training within the specified period, the Board must revoke the personal licence. The consequences of the revocation of a personal licence could include the sale of alcohol no longer being permitted in their premises, unless appropriate steps are taken to name an alternative personal licence holder as the designated premises manager. In addition, personal licence holders, who have their licences revoked will no longer be allowed to authorise sales of alcohol or conduct the mandatory staff training.


Email: alastair bowden

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