
Asian hornet: pest-specific contingency plan

This plan sets out the role of the Scottish Government in response to a suspected or confirmed incursion of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) within Scotland: the actions to be taken as well as governance, roles and responsibilities.


90. Response procedures laid down in this plan will continue until the Asian hornet is eradicated or the decision is taken that the hornet cannot be eradicated and a management plan, which aims to contain the hornet, is introduced.

Post-eradication: Surveillance

See Paras 63 – 69.

Moving from Eradication to Containment

91. If an incursion proves to be established and widespread, the Asian Hornet Response Group, taking advice from the NDCC, may advise Ministers that eradication as a control method no longer remains practical. If Ministers agree, a policy of containment and long-term management will be implemented.

92. Depending on the extent of the incursion, the decision to shift from a policy of eradication to containment may be taken quickly. If this shift were to occur, the focus would be on training Honey Bee Health inspectors and providing technical advice and training services to Honey Bee Health inspectors, beekeepers, pest controllers and local authorities to recognise Asian hornet and put in place pest management methods. Training for bee health inspectors would be developed and delivered by the Honey Bee Health Delivery Lead in conjunction with the wider Honey Bee Health Team. Training and awareness raising for external stakeholders would be developed and delivered by SRUC.

93. An update to stakeholders and the general public on the change of strategy will be provided.



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