
Asian hornet: pest-specific contingency plan

This plan sets out the role of the Scottish Government in response to a suspected or confirmed incursion of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) within Scotland: the actions to be taken as well as governance, roles and responsibilities.


8. This plan describes how the Scottish Government, SASA, NatureScot and affiliated organisations will respond if the Asian hornet is discovered in Scotland. Each UK administration has agreed to address non-native species incursions under the auspices of their individual Honey Bee Health portfolios, and therefore Asian hornet contingency plans for England, Wales and Northern Ireland are available from those respective administrations.

9. The National Disease Control Centre (NDCC) is responsible for planning and coordination of actions determined at a UK-wide level. In the event of a confirmed incursion there are a number of activities which are required to inform NDCC and align with the UK-wide approach to surveillance, action and reporting.

10. This plan addresses any incursion of the Asian hornet occurring in Scotland. In the event that the radius of any surveillance zones crosses the border to England, Scottish and English Honey Bee Health Teams will co-ordinate to manage the surveillance, share intelligence, and agree course of action.



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