Pesticide usage in Scotland: arable crops and potato stores 2016

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on arable crops and potato stores in Scotland during 2016.

Table 54 Summary of responses to pest control questions - 2016

Pest control activity

Percentage yes response

Non-chemical control used in partnership or instead of chemical control


Targeted pesticide application


Follow anti-resistance strategies


Monitor success of crop protection measures


Any pest control activity


Figure 66 Types of non-chemical control used (percentage of respondents) - 2016

Figure 66 Types of non-chemical control used (percentage of respondents) - 2016

Note: 'other' includes growing winter oilseed rape under nets and using a machine to remove slug eggs

Figure 67 Methods of targeting pesticide applications using monitoring data (percentage of respondents) - 2016

Figure 67 Methods of targeting pesticide applications using monitoring data (percentage of respondents) - 2016

Figure 68 Types of anti-resistance strategies (percentage of respondents)

Figure 68 Types of anti-resistance strategies (percentage of respondents)

Note: multi-site pesticides each act on different metabolic sites within the target weed, fungus or insect pest, thus increasing their effectiveness

Figure 69 Methods for monitoring success of crop protection measures (percentage of respondents) - 2016

Figure 69 Methods for monitoring success of crop protection measures (percentage of respondents) - 2016

Note: 'other' includes measuring success by examining the results of harvest and comparing with historic yields and independent trials


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