Pesticide usage - arable crops and potato stores 2018: survey results

Information from a survey of pesticide use on arable crops and potato stores in Scotland during 2018.

Table 6: Oilseed rape seed treatment formulations - 2018

Area (ha), weight (kg) and percentage of crop treated

Seed treatments Oilseed Rape 2018(1) Oilseed Rape 2018(1) 2016 2016
ha % kg ha kg
Prochloraz/thiram 26,764 82 315 25,368 290
Thiram 1,430 4 8 1,021 8
Unspecified seed treatment(2) 1,380 4 N/A 400 N/A
All seed treatments 29,574 89 323 26,789 298
No information seed treatment(2) 3,091 9 N/A 759 N/A
No seed treatment 456 1 N/A 2,594 N/A
Area grown 32,735     30,142  

(1) Oilseed rape figures from 2018 include spring oilseed rape.  No spring oilseed rape crops were sampled in 2016

(2) Refer to Appendix 3 for definitions



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