Pesticide usage - arable crops and potato stores 2018: survey results

Information from a survey of pesticide use on arable crops and potato stores in Scotland during 2018.

Table 7: Oilseed rape insecticide and molluscicide formulations - 2018

Area (ha), weight (kg) and percentage of crop treated

Insecticides Oilseed Rape 2018(1) Oilseed Rape 2018(1) 2016(2) 2016(2)
ha % kg ha kg
Deltamethrin 1,701 5 10 326 2
Indoxacarb 199 1 4 589 12
Lambda-cyhalothrin 14,318 32 84 22,438 132
Tau-fluvalinate 10,667 30 389 11,035 437
Zeta-cypermethrin 6,468 18 64 4,986 49
All insecticides 33,353 65 551 43,782 805
Ferric phosphate 8,174 23 926 1,187 138
Metaldehyde 15,743 41 1,513 14,353 1,647
All molluscicides 23,917 59 2,439 16,234 1,846
Area grown 32,735     30,142  

(1) Oilseed rape figures from 2018 include spring oilseed rape.  No spring oilseed rape crops were sampled in 2016

(2) For full list of formulations recorded in 2016 please refer to the 2016 report(3)



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