Pesticide usage - arable crops and potato stores 2018: survey results

Information from a survey of pesticide use on arable crops and potato stores in Scotland during 2018.

Table 13: Potato herbicide/desiccant and growth regulator formulations – 2018

Area (ha), weight (kg) and percentage of crop treated

Herbicides/desiccants Seed potatoes Ware potatoes Total 2018 Total 2018 2016(1) 2016(1)
ha % ha % ha kg ha kg
Carfentrazone-ethyl 12,938 75 8,011 39 20,949 1,001 18,902 946
Clomazone 319 3 413 3 733 37 2,002 159
Clomazone/pendimethalin 0 0 323 2 323 176 0 0
Cycloxydim 275 2 1,999 13 2,274 436 1,950 422
Diquat 16,017 74 23,273 85 39,290 13,161 56,204 21,598
Flufenacet/metribuzin 940 8 2,682 18 3,621 3,524 3,172 2,980
Glyphosate 1,129 9 2,000 13 3,129 2,000 206 173
Linuron 1,186 10 2,410 16 3,596 2,023 16,329 9,147
Metobromuron 3,017 25 4,542 30 7,559 7,876 525 525
Metribuzin 7,960 66 11,694 77 19,655 9,638 18,911 8,895
Pendimethalin 0 0 702 5 702 730 947 809
Propaquizafop 0 0 391 3 391 31 284 43
Prosulfocarb 622 5 171 1 793 2,421 1,140 3,649
Pyraflufen-ethyl 533 4 6,154 26 6,687 104 850 18
Rimsulfuron 0 0 3,866 25 3,866 44 505 5
All herbicides/desiccants 44,936 89 68,631 96 113,567 43,202 121,927 49,369


Table 13: Potato herbicide/desiccant and growth regulator formulations – 2018 continued

Area (ha), weight (kg) and percentage of crop treated

Growth regulators Seed potatoes Ware potatoes Total 2018 Total 2018 2016(1) 2016(1)
ha % ha % ha kg ha kg
Maleic hydrazide 0 0 323 2 323 775 2,515 7,338
All growth regulators 0 0 323 2 323 775 2,515 7,338
Area grown 12,091   15,268   27,359 27,526  

(1) For full list of formulations recorded in 2016 please refer to the 2016 report(3)



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