Pesticide usage - arable crops and potato stores 2018: survey results

Information from a survey of pesticide use on arable crops and potato stores in Scotland during 2018.

Table 29: Distribution of arable sample - 2018

Number of holdings surveyed in each region and size group

Size (ha) H&I(1) C&O(1) Moray Firth Abdn(1) Angus East Fife Lothian C. Lowlands(1) Tweed Valley S. Uplands(1) Solway Scotland
0.1-19.99 3 2 1 4 1 1 0 5 1 1 2 21
20-49.9 1 1 3 13 5 4 2 7 2 1 3 42
50-99.9 1 1 8 19 15 7 7 7 4 1 1 71
100-149.9 0 3 6 20 14 4 9 4 13 1 1 75
150+ 0 0 14 13 22 11 13 11 19 2 1 106
All sizes 5 7 32 69 57 27 31 34 39 6 8 315

(1) H&I = Highlands & Islands, C&O = Caithness & Orkney, Abdn = Aberdeen, C. Lowlands = Central Lowlands, S. Uplands = Southern Uplands



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