Pesticide usage in Scotland: arable crops and potato stores 2020

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on arable crops and potato stores in Scotland during 2020.

Appendix 1 – Estimated application tables

Table 1 Potatoes stored, and proportion treated, by storage type - 2020
Store Type Total
Unventilated Ventilated Refrigerated
Tonnes stored 1,813 153,721 235,674 391,208
% type 0.5% 39% 60%
Basic tonnes treated 0 63,629 87,000 150,629
% treated N/A 41% 37% 39%
Tonnes stored 0 84,227 512,180 596,407
% type N/A 14% 86%
Basic tonnes treated 0 1,241 33,233 34,474
% treated N/A 1% 6% 6%
All stored potatoes
Tonnes stored 1,813 237,948 747,854 987,615
% type 0.2% 24% 76%
Basic tonnes treated 0 64,870 120,233 185,103
% treated N/A 27% 16% 19%

N/A = not applicable

Table 2 Potato storage treatment formulations by storage type – 2020
Store Type Total tonnes treated % Treated
Unventilated Ventilated Refrigerated
Imazalil 0 62,883 86,254 149,137 38
Thiabendazole 0 2,041 14,999 17,040 4
Basic tonnes treated(2) 0 63,629 87,000 150,629 39
Ethylene 0 0 24,497 24,497 4
Imazalil(1) 0 1,237 1,380 2,617 0.4
Spearmint oil 0 0 9,704 9,704 2
Thiabendazole 0 4 4 8 0.001
Basic tonnes treated(2) 0 1,241 33,233 34,474 6

(1) This formulation is not approved on ware potatoes. It was applied to seed crops, a proportion of which was later reclassified as ware

(2) This represents the total tonnage treated, not the column sum, as more than one formulation may be applied to potatoes in store

Table 3 Potato storage treatment active substances – 2020
Tonnes treated kg
Seed Potatoes
Imazalil 149,138 2,003
Thiabendazole 17,041 509
Ethylene 24,497 N/A(1)
Imazalil 2,617 31
Spearmint oil 9,704 684
Thiabendazole 8 0.3

N/A = not applicable

(1) The mass of ethylene used cannot be estimated (refer to Appendix 3 – definitions and notes)

Table 4 Potato cultivation and storage, comparison with previous surveys – 2020
Crop 2018 (estimated using old methodology) 2018 (estimated using new methodology) 2020
Area grown (ha)(1) Seed 12,092 12,092 12,003
Ware 15,268 15,268 16,294
Tonnes stored(2) Seed 408,870 312,793 391,208
Ware 697,021 562,894 596,407

(1) This is the census area of the crops intended to be grown for seed and ware production. Some of the seed crop was reclassified as ware post-harvest

(2) Please note, there has been a significant change in survey methodology which must be taken into account when comparing data from 2020 and previous surveys, see Appendix 4 for further information

Table 5 Percentage of stored potatoes treated, comparison with previous surveys – 2020
Crop 2016 2018 2020
Total tonnage treated (%) Seed 47 28 39
Ware 11 13 6



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