Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Arable crops and Potato stores 2022

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on Arable crops and Potato stores in Scotland during 2022.

2022 Pesticide usage

Winter barley

  • An estimated 44,173 hectares of winter barley were grown in Scotland in 2022 (based on the Single Application Form (SAF) 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), an increase of three per cent since 2020
  • 97 per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 11 for types of pesticides used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 434,175 treated hectares
  • There were 124,919 kilograms of pesticide applied in total (see summary table)
  • Winter barley received on average four pesticide sprays (Table 1). These sprays included 2.5 fungicide applications (applied to 97 per cent of crop area), 2.1 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 89 per cent), 1.8 applications of growth regulators (applied to 87 per cent) and one application of insecticide (applied to 22 per cent)
  • The most common varieties encountered were LG Mountain and SY Kingsbarn (15 per cent each)
  • The average reported yield was 8.4 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on winter barley:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 174,124 42,820 97 Folpet (45,476)
Herbicides/ desiccants 115,115 44,296 89 Glyphosate (20,101)
Insecticides 9,911 45 22 Esfenvalerate (5,898)
Growth regulators 94,811 36,406 87 Chlormequat (35,271)
Molluscicides 858 98 2 Ferric phosphate (561)
Sulphur 846 605 2 [z]
Seed treatments 38,510 648 87 Fluopyram/ prothioconazole/ tebuconazole (15,929)
All pesticides 434,175 124,919 97  

Note: some shorthand is used in this table: [z] = not applicable.

Figure 11 Use of pesticides on winter barley (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on winter barley in 2022 where fungicides account for 40% of the treated area, herbicides/desiccants 27%, growth regulators 22%, seed treatments 9%, insecticides 2% and molluscicides and sulphur less than 0.5% each.

Spring barley

  • An estimated 235,813 hectares of spring barley were grown in Scotland in 2022 (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), representing a decrease of nine per cent since 2020
  • Ninety-seven per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 12 for types of pesticide used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 1,569,292 treated hectares
  • There were 290,436 kilograms of pesticide used in total on the crop (see summary table)
  • The spring barley crop received on average 2.5 pesticide applications (Table 1). These included 1.8 fungicide applications and 1.5 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 93 per cent of the crop area for both groups) and 1.4 applications of growth regulators (applied to 42 per cent)
  • Laureate was the most common variety, accounting for 62 per cent of the sample area, followed by LG Diablo at 13 per cent
  • The average reported yield was 7.1 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on spring barley:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 677,963 157,229 93 Folpet (201,091)
Herbicides/ desiccants 545,815 99,592 93 Metsulfuron-methyl/ thifensulfuron-methyl (89,476)
Insecticides 7,162 35 3 Lambda-cyhalothrin (7,162)
Growth regulators 135,898 20,756 42 Trinexapac-ethyl (45,314)
Sulphur 5,825 9,377 2 [z]
Seed treatments 196,629 3,448 83 Imazalil/ipconazole (88,800)
All pesticides 1,569,292 290,436 97

Note: some shorthand is used in this table: [z] = not applicable.

Figure 12 Use of pesticides on spring barley (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on spring barley in 2022 where fungicides account for 43% of the treated area, herbicides/desiccants 35%, seed treatments 13%, growth regulators 9% and insecticides and sulphur less than 0.5% each.

Winter wheat

  • An estimated 105,827 hectares of winter wheat were grown in Scotland in 2022 (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), representing an increase of 16 per cent since 2020
  • Ninety-eight per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 13 for types of pesticide used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 1,454,363 treated hectares
  • There were 376,930 kilograms of pesticide used in total on the crop (see summary table)
  • The winter wheat crop received on average 5.1 pesticide applications (Table 1). These included 3.5 fungicide applications and 2.3 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 95 per cent and 94 per cent of the crop area respectively), two applications of growth regulators (applied to 93 per cent); molluscicides and insecticides received 1.2 and one application(s) (applied to 11 and 23 per cent of the area respectively)
  • LG Skyscraper was the most common variety, accounting for 42 per cent of the sample area, followed by KWS Barrel at 11 per cent
  • The average reported yield was 9.4 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on winter wheat:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 702,982 176,352 95 Folpet (155,068)
Herbicides/ desiccants 317,876 83,620 94 Diflufenican/flufenacet (36,009)
Insecticides 25,133 146 23 Lambda-cyhalothrin (14,929)
Growth regulators 286,067 104,287 93 Trinexapac-ethyl (114,339)
Molluscicides 14,265 1,459 11 Ferric phosphate (13,399)
Sulphur 5,847 9,315 5 [z]
Seed treatments 102,194 1,751 91 Fludioxonil (51,891)
All pesticides 1,454,363 376,930 98

Note: some shorthand is used in this table: [z] = not applicable.

Figure 13 Use of pesticides on winter wheat (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on winter wheat in 2022 where fungicides account for 48% of the treated area, herbicides/desiccants 22%, growth regulators 20%, seed treatments 7%, insecticides 2%, molluscicides 1% and sulphur less than 0.5%.

Spring wheat

This crop was not recorded separately in SAF data. Based upon the proportions of spring and winter wheat encountered in the survey it was estimated that 1,291 hectares of spring wheat were grown in Scotland in 2022, representing a decrease of 43 per cent since 2020.

  • Ninety-nine per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 14 for types of pesticides used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 12,478 treated hectares
  • There were 2,890 kilograms of pesticide used in total on the crop (see summary table below)
  • The spring wheat crop received on average 3.5 pesticide applications (Table 1). These included 2.7 fungicide applications and 1.4 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 92 per cent of the crop area for both groups) and 1.2 applications of growth regulators (applied to 92 per cent)
  • The most common variety grown, accounting for 35 per cent of the sample area, was Mulika followed by Faller at 30 per cent
  • The average reported yield was 6.9 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on spring wheat:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 6,356 1,030 92 Tebuconazole (1,035)
Herbicides/ desiccants 2,525 547 92 Florasulam/ halauxifen-methyl (437)
Growth regulators 1,959 581 92 Trinexapac-ethyl (1,140)
Sulphur 448 718 7 [z]
Seed treatments 1,190 15 92 Fludioxonil (989)
All pesticides 12,478 2,890 99

Note: some shorthand is used in this table: [z] = not applicable.

Figure 14 Use of pesticides on spring wheat (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on spring wheat in 2022 where fungicides account for 51% of the treated area, herbicides/desiccants 20%, growth regulators 16%, seed treatments 9% and sulphur 4%.

Winter oats

  • An estimated 8,436 hectares of winter oats were gown in Scotland in 2022 (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), an increase of six per cent since 2020
  • Ninety-eight per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 15 for types of pesticides used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 73,503 treated hectares
  • There were 14,947 kilograms of pesticide applied in total (see summary table)
  • Winter oats received on average 4.2 pesticide sprays (Table 1). These sprays included 2.5 fungicide applications and 2.3 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 96 per cent and 91 per cent of the crop area respectively), 1.5 applications of growth regulators (applied to 93 per cent) and one application of insecticides (applied to 17 per cent of the crop area)
  • The most common variety encountered was Dalguise accounting for 51 per cent of the sample area followed by Gerald at 22 per cent
  • The average reported yield was 7.9 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on winter oats:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 27,591 2,887 96 Prothioconazole (10,097)
Herbicides/ desiccants 19,695 4,598 91 Diflufenican/flufenacet (5,670)
Insecticides 1,456 6 17 Lambda-cyhalothrin (1,456)
Growth regulators 17,048 7,341 93 Chlormequat (7,194)
Molluscicides 454 53 5 Ferric phosphate (454)
Seed treatments 7,259 62 86 Fludioxonil (6,204)
All pesticides 73,503 14,947 98
Figure 15 Use of pesticides on winter oats (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on winter oats in 2022 where fungicides account for 37 % of the treated area, herbicides/desiccants 27%, growth regulators 23%, seed treatments 10%, insecticides 2% and molluscicides 1%.

Spring oats

  • An estimated 18,713 hectares of spring oats were grown in Scotland in 2022 (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), a decrease of 28 per cent since 2020
  • Eighty-three per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 16 for types of pesticides used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 97,932 treated hectares
  • There were 23,698 kilograms of pesticide applied in total (see summary table)
  • Spring oats received on average 2.7 pesticide sprays (Table 1). These sprays included 1.8 fungicide applications and 1.5 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 78 per cent and 76 per cent of the crop area respectively) and 1.2 applications of growth regulators (applied to 71 per cent)
  • The most common variety encountered was Canyon, accounting for 41 per cent of the sample area followed by Conway at 23 per cent
  • The average reported yield was 6.4 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on spring oats:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 33,383 5,153 78 Prothioconazole/ spiroxamine (5,551)
Herbicides/ desiccants 34,597 8,292 76 Fluroxypyr (8,381)
Insecticides 1,416 7 8 Lambda-cyhalothrin (1,416)
Growth regulators 17,815 9,095 71 Chlormequat (8,180)
Sulphur 440 1,038 2 [z]
Seed treatments 10,280 114 55 Fludioxonil (8,192)
All pesticides 97,932 23,698 83

Note: some shorthand is used in this table: [z] = not applicable.

Figure 16 Use of pesticides on spring oats (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on spring oats in 2022 where herbicides/desiccants account for 35% of the treated area, fungicides 34 %, growth regulators 18%, seed treatments 11%, insecticides 1% and sulphur less than 0.5%.

Winter rye

  • An estimated 7,174 hectares of winter rye were gown in Scotland in 2022 (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), an increase of 40 per cent since 2020
  • Ninety-six per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 17 for types of pesticides used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 52,441 treated hectares
  • There were 15,342 kilograms of pesticide applied in total (see summary table)
  • Winter rye received on average 3.2 pesticide sprays (Table 1). These sprays included 2.2 fungicide applications and 1.3 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 84 per cent and 90 per cent of the crop area respectively), 1.6 applications of growth regulators (applied to 96 per cent) and one application of both molluscicides and insecticides (applied to 11 per cent and 17 per cent of crop area respectively)
  • The most common variety encountered was KWS Tayo accounting for 43 per cent of the sample area followed by SU Performer at 32 per cent

Summary of pesticide use on winter rye:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 16,722 3,202 84 Prothioconazole/ spiroxamine (2,763)
Herbicides/ desiccants 13,014 4,488 90 Pendimethalin/ picolinafen (3,273)
Insecticides 1,238 6 17 Lambda-cyhalothrin (1,238)
Growth regulators 16,604 7,528 96 Chlormequat (7,676)
Molluscicides 785 71 11 Metaldehyde (785)
Seed treatments 4,078 46 57 Fludioxonil/ fluxapyroxad/ triticonazole (2,515)
All pesticides 52,441 15,342 96
Figure 17 Use of pesticides on winter rye (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on winter rye in 2022 where fungicides account for 32% of the area treated, growth regulators 32%, herbicides/desiccants 25%, seed treatments 8%, insecticides 2% and molluscicides 1%.


  • An estimated 35,431 hectares of oilseeds (linseed, winter and spring oilseed rape) were grown in Scotland in 2022 (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), representing an increase of 15 per cent since 2020
  • One hundred per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 18 for types of pesticides used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 329,148 treated hectares
  • There were 93,710 kilograms of pesticide used in total on the crop (see summary table)
  • The oilseeds crop received on average 6.1 pesticide applications (Table 1). These included 2.7 fungicide applications and three herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 98 and 94 per cent of the crop area respectively), one application of growth regulators (applied to 16 per cent), 1.2 molluscicide applications (applied to 34 per cent), 1.9 insecticides applications (applied to 80 per cent) and one application of a combined fungicide & growth regulator formulation applied to 15 per cent of the crop area
  • Crome was the most common variety, accounting for 22 per cent of the sample area, followed by Aurelia at 16 per cent (both winter oilseed rape)
  • The oilseeds average reported yield was 4.5 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on oilseeds:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 116,260 18,997 98 Prothioconazole/ tebuconazole (27,681)
Fungicide/ growth regulators 6,275 1,894 15 Mepiquat chloride/ prohexadione-calcium/ pyraclostrobin (6,275)
Growth regulators 5,599 1,082 16 Mepiquat chloride/ metconazole (5,599)
Herbicides/ desiccants 110,972 69,398 94 Glyphosate (27,441)
Insecticides 53,831 854 80 Lambda-cyhalothrin (36,814)
Molluscicides 14,459 1,478 34 Ferric phosphate (13,684)
Seed treatments 21,752 7 61 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI600 (21,752)
All pesticides 329,148 93,710 100  
Figure 18 Use of pesticides on oilseeds (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on oilseeds in 2022 where fungicides account for 35% of the treated area, herbicides/desiccants 34%, insecticides 16%, seed treatments 7%, molluscicides 4% and fungicide/growth regulators and growth regulators 2% each.

Seed potatoes

  • An estimated 11,893 hectares of seed potatoes were grown in Scotland in 2022, (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation) representing a decrease of one per cent since 2020
  • One hundred per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 19 for types of pesticide used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 270,532 treated hectares
  • There were 86,049 kilograms of pesticide used in total on the crop (see summary table below)
  • The seed potato crop received on average 10.2 pesticide applications (Table 1). These included 8.2 fungicide applications and 2.2 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 100 per cent of the crop area), 5.4 and 1.9 applications of insecticide and molluscicide respectively (applied to 97 and 20 per cent of the area respectively)
  • Maris Piper was the most common variety, accounting for 24 per cent of the sample area, followed by Innovator at seven per cent
  • The average reported yield was 38.4 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on seed potatoes:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 142,512 61,688 100 Mancozeb (25,119)
Herbicides/ desiccants 48,027 20,523 100 Carfentrazone-ethyl (13,273)
Insecticides 66,219 1,341 97 Lambda-cyhalothrin (27,997)
Molluscicides 4,444 456 20 Ferric phosphate (4,444)
Seed treatments 9,330 2,040 75 Flutolanil (4,538)
All pesticides 270,532 86,049 100
Figure 19 Use of pesticides on seed potatoes (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on seed potatoes in 2022 where fungicides account for 53% of the treated area, insecticides 24%, herbicides/desiccants 18%, seed treatments 3% and molluscicides 2%.

Ware potatoes

  • An estimated 15,247 hectares of ware potatoes were grown in Scotland in 2022 (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), representing a decrease of six per cent since 2020
  • Ninety-nine per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 20 for types of pesticide used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 376,918 treated hectares with 165,412 kilograms of pesticide applied in total (see summary table below)
  • The ware potato crop received on average 13.7 pesticide applications (Table 1). These included 10.3 fungicide applications and 2.2 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 99 per cent of the crop area), insecticides and molluscicides received 2.1 and three applications each (applied to 46 per cent and 60 per cent respectively) and one application of growth regulators (applied to 12 per cent of the crop area)
  • Maris Piper was the most common variety grown for ware, accounting for 42 per cent of the sample area followed by Saxon at nine per cent
  • The average reported yield was 50.7 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on ware potatoes:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 257,901 127,632 99 Mancozeb (56,750)
Herbicides/ desiccants 60,007 25,073 99 Pyraflufen-ethyl (18,062)
Insecticides 15,757 2,577 46 Esfenvalerate (5,845)
Growth regulators 1,869 5,606 12 Maleic hydrazide (1,869)
Molluscicides 26,909 2,826 60 Ferric phosphate (26,909)
Seed treatments 14,475 1,699 89 Fludioxonil (6,118)
All pesticides 376,918 165,412 99
Figure 20 Use of pesticides on ware potatoes (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on ware potatoes in 2022 where fungicides account for 68% of the treated area, herbicides/desiccants 16%, molluscicides 7%, insecticides and seed treatments 4% and growth regulators 1%.


The legumes category includes dry harvest peas and field beans. These crops have been combined as too few holdings were encountered to report the pesticide use for each crop separately.

  • An estimated 3,025 hectares of legumes were grown in Scotland in 2022 (based on SAF 2022 – see changes from previous years section for further explanation), representing an increase of 23 per cent since 2020
  • Ninety-one per cent of the crop was treated with a pesticide (see Figure 21 for types of pesticide used)
  • Pesticides were applied to 12,412 treated hectares
  • There were 7,540 kilograms of pesticide used in total on the crop (see summary table below)
  • The legume crop received on average 3.5 pesticide applications (Table 1). These included 1.5 fungicide applications and 2.1 herbicide/desiccant applications (applied to 84 and 88 per cent of the crop area respectively) and one application of insecticides to 12 per cent of the crop area
  • The most common variety, accounting for 51 per cent of the sample area, was Fuego followed by Yukon at 13 per cent (both field beans)
  • The average reported yield was 3.9 t/ha

Summary of pesticide use on legumes:

Pesticide group Formulation area treated Weight of pesticides applied Percentage of crop treated Most used formulations
  ha kg % ha
Fungicides 4,538 708 84 Azoxystrobin (1,330)
Herbicides/ desiccants 7,304 6,050 88 Glyphosate (1,847)
Insecticides 369 3 12 Lambda-cyhalothrin (324)
Sulphur 200 780 3 [z]
All pesticides 12,412 7,540 91

Note: some shorthand is used in this table: [z] = not applicable.

Figure 21 Use of pesticides on legumes (percentage of total area treated with formulations) – 2022
Pie chart of pesticide treated area on legumes in 2022 where herbicides/desiccants account for 59% of the treated area, fungicides 36%, insecticides 3% and sulphur 2%.



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