
Pesticide usage in Scotland: Grassland and Fodder Crops 2021

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on grassland and fodder crops in Scotland during 2021.

Table 17: Regional distribution of fodder crop areas in 2021

Census area (ha) of fodder crops grown in Scotland

  Highlands & Islands Caithness & Orkney Moray Firth Aberdeen Angus East Fife Lothian Central Lowlands Tweed Valley Southern Uplands Solway Scotland 2021 Scotland 2017 % change
Fodder beet 54 0 87 229 185 89 79 127 88 * 236 1,193 611 95
Fodder rape 369 156 319 199 53 35 * 289 351 357 99 2,248 2,007 12
Kale & cabbage 120 50 158 359 128 115 102 308 298 256 174 2,068 1,915 8
Turnips & swede 328 152 798 1,282 313 46 70 247 61 164 55 3,517 3,806 -8
Maize * 0 0 * * * 0 100 30 * 1,010 1,229 792 55
Other stock-feeding crops 669 682 706 822 439 107 305 707 574 407 1,063 6,481 6,834 -5

*Regional data have not been provided in order to prevent disclosure of information relating to fewer than five holdings.

Note: 'other stock-feeding crops' include arable silage, fodder rape, kale, stubble turnips and fodder crop mixes.



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