
Pesticide usage in Scotland: Grassland and Fodder Crops 2021

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on grassland and fodder crops in Scotland during 2021.

Table 23: Census area of fodder crops - 2021

Area (ha) of fodder crops grown in Scotland

Size(1) (ha) H&I(2) C&O(2) Moray Firth Abdn(2) Angus East Fife Lothian Central Lowlands Tweed Valley S. Uplands(2) Solway Scotland(3)
0.1 - 4.9 415 327 414 835 145 63 56 269 79 102 159 2,865
5.0 - 9.9 481 404 593 972 399 126 132 454 256 281 426 4,525
10.0 - 14.9 141 202 311 379 163 84 92 390 366 222 373 2,724
15.0 - 19.9 188 53 185 311 139 18 99 192 190 190 378 1,940
20.0 + 326 54 567 402 314 103 198 472 511 434 1,302 4,682
All sizes 1,551 1,040 2,069 2,899 1,160 393 577 1,777 1,401 1,229 2,638 16,736

(1) Size refers to the area of fodder crops grown on the holding.

(2) H&I = Highlands & Islands, C&O = Caithness & Orkney, Abdn = Aberdeen, S. Uplands = Southern Uplands.

(3) These areas do not include the estimated 479 hectares of stubble turnips as this is not recorded on the census (refer to Appendix 3).

Note: Data taken from the 2021 June Agricultural Census(13).



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