
Pesticide usage in Scotland: Grassland and Fodder Crops 2021

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on grassland and fodder crops in Scotland during 2021.

Table 25: Raising factors for fodder crops- 2021

  H&I(1) C&O(1) Moray Firth Abdn(1) Angus East Fife Lothian Central Low-lands Tweed Valley S. Uplands(1) Solway
0.1 - 4.9 18.98 10.12 27.35 37.46 137.67 2.81 [z] 49.41 13.14 18.59 37.58
5.0 - 9.9 13.28 16.42 14.77 11.13 14.88 18.35 11.11 10.24 10.47 8.51 7.80
10.0 - 14.9 5.21 7.58 5.28 8.13 6.21 3.33 [z] 7.73 5.54 9.01 3.74
15.0 - 19.9 5.10 2.77 4.50 3.82 9.14 0.62 4.11 3.88 5.01 3.89 7.38
20.0 + 3.88 [z] 4.84 3.60 2.18 [z] 7.68 3.33 2.58 3.41 4.62

(1) H&I = Highlands & Islands, C&O = Caithness & Orkney, Abdn = Aberdeen, S. Uplands = Southern Uplands.

Note: some shorthand is used in this table: [z] = not applicable.

Note: raising factors are calculated by comparing the sampled crop area to the census crop area. Please see Appendix 4 – survey methodology for a full explanation.



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