Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2015

Information from a survey of pesticide use on vegetable crops grown for human consumption in Scotland during 2015.

Table 7 Leaf brassica insecticide and molluscicide formulations

Area (ha) and percentage of crop treated

Insecticides Brussels sprouts Cabbages Calabrese Other brassicas Total 2013
  (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (ha)
Deltamethrin 1,249 91 340 54 0 0 0 0 1,589 2,861
Indoxacarb 1,530 100 630 96 171 10 0 0 2,331 1,765
Lambda-cyhalothrin 1,832 100 619 70 2,412 99 655 84 5,518 5,147
Pirimicarb 946 42 256 65 438 26 437 84 2,077 1,713
Pymetrozine 692 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 692 1,575
Spirotetramat 898 91 368 79 0 0 0 0 1,265 1,266
Thiacloprid 660 42 47 16 162 10 218 84 1,087 1,489
All insecticides 7,807 100 2,259 96 3,183 99 1,311 84 14,560 15,992
Ferric phosphate 1,846 91 90 30 0 0 0 0 1,936 4,158
Metaldehyde 2,376 100 340 84 6 <0.5 681 94 3,403 1,510
Methiocarb 403 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 403 199
All molluscicides 4,624 100 430 84 6 <0.5 681 94 5,742 5,868
Area grown 777   299   1,688   260   3,025 2,626


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