Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2015

Information from a survey of pesticide use on vegetable crops grown for human consumption in Scotland during 2015.

Table 8 Leaf brassica fungicide and sulphur formulations

Area (ha) and percentage of crop treated

Fungicides Brussels sprouts Cabbages Calabrese Other brassicas Total 2013
  (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (ha)
Azoxystrobin 373 42 90 30 659 39 437 84 1,559 1,332
Azoxystrobin/difenoconazole 556 43 158 53 0 0 0 0 714 638
Boscalid/pyraclostrobin 695 73 264 54 262 16 0 0 1,221 1,160
Chlorothalonil/metalaxyl-M 21 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 320
Copper oxychloride 0 0 0 0 5,258 99 0 0 5,258 2,533
Difenoconazole 396 24 68 23 0 0 0 0 464 727
Fluopicolide/propamocarb hydrochloride 0 0 0 0 376 22 0 0 376 32
Iprodione 822 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 822 641
Prothioconazole 1,356 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,356 1,765
Tebuconazole/trifloxystrobin 1,785 100 200 37 0 0 0 0 1,985 1,882
All fungicides 6,004 100 780 84 6,555 99 437 84 13,776 11,372
Sulphur 0 0 0 0 1,276 40 0 0 1,276 101
Area grown 777   299   1,688   260   3,025 2,626


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