Pesticide usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2021

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on outdoor vegetable crops in Scotland during 2021.

Table 9 Vegetables (excluding vining peas and leaf brassicas) seed treatment formulations - 2021

Area (ha), weight (kg), percentage of crop treated and percentage of crop grown from transplants

Seed treatments Carrots Turnips & swedes Other vegetable crops(1) Total 2021 Total 2021 2019(2) 2019(2)
ha % ha % ha % ha kg ha kg
Cymoxanil/fludioxonil/metalaxyl-M 1,064 31 0 0 2,293 78 3,358 215 2,965 8
Tefluthrin 732 21 0 0 <0.5 0 732 48 1,357 83
All seed treatments 1,796 45 0 0 2,293 78 4,090 263 4,322 91
Crops grown from transplant 0 0 0 0 257 9 257 [z] 273 [z]
No seed treatment 1,626 47 1,933 100 315 11 3,875 [z] 775 [z]
No information seed treatment(3) 283 8 0 0 0 0 283 [z] 149 [z]
Area grown (ha) 3,449 1,933 2,945 8,327 5,641

(1) In 2021 other vegetable crops included broad beans, leeks, lettuce, celery, fennel, French beans, French dwarf beans, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, runner beans, spring onions, beetroot, chard, parsnips, onions and rhubarb (some of which was perennial). Please note broad beans have been included under other vegetable crops for the first time due to a limited number of crops being encountered during the survey

(2) For full list of formulations recorded in 2019 please refer to the 2019 report(3)

(3) No information seed treatment refers to occasions where the grower was unable to confirm whether the seed had received a treatment

Note: Some shorthand is used in this table: [z] = not applicable



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