Pesticide usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2021

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on outdoor vegetable crops in Scotland during 2021.

Table 10 Vegetables (excluding vining peas & leaf brassicas) insecticide, nematicide, molluscicide and physical control formulations - 2021

Area (ha), weight (kg) and percentage of crop treated

Insecticides/nematicides Carrots Turnips & swedes Other vegetable crops(1) Total 2021 Total 2021 2019(2) 2019(2)
ha % ha % ha % ha kg ha kg
Acetamiprid 0 0 0 0 60 2 60 3 0 0
Cyantraniliprole 759 22 191 5 0 0 950 70 137 10
Cypermethrin 198 6 0 0 0 0 198 5 0 0
Deltamethrin 1,667 29 2,558 45 0 0 4,225 14 2,932 9
Flonicamid 198 6 0 0 0 0 198 14 0 0
Fluopyram 468 14 0 0 0 0 468 117 0 0
Lambda-cyhalothrin 8,639 71 180 5 0 0 8,819 100 10,255 124
Pirimicarb 0 0 0 0 2,293 78 2,293 321 0 0
Spirotetramat 239 7 504 22 68 2 811 49 59 59
All insecticides/nematicides 12,169 73 3,433 71 2,422 80 18,023 692 16,845 2,159
Ferric phosphate 0 0 542 28 84 0 626 90 495 96
Metaldehyde 0 0 102 5 0 0 102 21 413 77
All molluscicides 0 0 644 33 84 3 728 112 907 173
Physical control    
Garlic 435 13 0 0 0 0 435 2,487 125 782
Area grown (ha) 3,449 1,933 2,945 8,327 5,641

(1) In 2021 other vegetable crops included broad beans, leeks, lettuce, celery, fennel, French beans, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, runner beans, spring onions, beetroot, chard, parsnips, onions and rhubarb

(2) For full list of formulations recorded in 2019 please refer to the 2019 report(3)

Please note broad beans have been included under other veg crops for the first time due to a limited number of crops being encountered during the survey



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