Pesticide usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2021

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on outdoor vegetable crops in Scotland during 2021.

Table 19 Total vegetable crop, comparison with previous years

Pesticide usage in 2017, 2019 and 2021, area treated with formulations and active substances (a.s.) and the weight (kg) applie

2017 2019 2021
Formulations a.s. Weight Formulations a.s. Weight Formulations a.s. Weight
  ha ha kg ha ha kg ha ha kg
Insecticides 41,722 41,722 3,641 45,253 45,253 4,210 31,611 31,611 1,355
Molluscicides 10,512 10,512 1,654 8,674 8,674 1,326 10,304 10,304 1,584
Biological agents(1) 0 0 0 63 63 [z] 0 0 0
Fungicides 53,977 75,061 18,356 61,599 86,853 19,218 58,560 91,454 18,483
Sulphur 2,429 2,429 7,174 3,110 3,110 11,826 0 0 0
Herbicides 46,357 56,166 31,340 42,306 52,270 33,319 41,907 53,539 28,910
Growth regulators 0 0 0 284 284 682 109 109 262
Physical control 314 314 2,117 125 125 782 435 435 2,487
Seed treatments(1) 15,552 36,464 1,293 14,787 35,446 1,222 6,307 17,456 552
All pesticides 170,863 222,668 65,575 176,200 232,078 72,584 149,232 204,909 53,632
Area grown (ha) 19,359(2) 18,634(3) 22,066(4)

(1) No weights can be calculated for biological control agents

(2) Includes 23 hectares of multi-cropping

(3) Includes 10 hectares of multi-cropping

(4) No multi-cropping was encountered in 2021



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